Friday, March 3, 2017

Considerate to disabled

By James Saling

Businesses, public places and institutions have regulations they must follow pertaining to catering to people with disabilities.

While meeting the minimum requirements some places will go above and beyond the call to be more accessible and understanding to those with special needs.

ARC campus does a great job accommodating students with disabilities both physical and mental.

“I have yet to encounter any issues or trouble accessing any classrooms or buildings and I am very grateful that I am able to attend ARC without any limitations.” said ARC student Leroy Richards, a student with a paraplegic disability majoring in psychology .

The wheelchair friendly classrooms and buildings having easy to access automatic doors and elevators it can be said it's very access friendly to the physically disabled.
So that does not mean that physical disabilities are the only limits needing special assistance in some areas.

Those with mental or learning disabilities also require some things to meet their need for assistance in some areas.

Matt Tindell who is a los Rios  freshman  with down syndrome said, “ i came to hear and speak with a counselor and i was given  help with finding the right classes and to learn the right things for my goal of study”

A Lot of preparing and care goes into thinking of what can be done to make a school the best possible for the best experience.

It is a breath of fresh air that American RIver College much like their football team never seems to drop the ball.

ARC is a campus easily comparable to that of a 4-year university .  There is no doubt things can easily be overlooked at times,

However there is no doubt that a campus with such a diversity of students has not forgotten those with special needs.

From the easily accessed cafeteria and library to the bathrooms and multi-floor buildings the campus can be thought of as a standard setter for ensuring whether it be a physical disability or any other special need .

ARC didn't miss an opportunity to see to it that everyone feels right at home.

So much like the leaders of the future surely to come out of ARC . It does seem like ARC could be a standard setter on being a place that caters to all equals equally !

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