Friday, March 3, 2017

Trump's wall

How do i feel about the WALL trump wants to build ? this country was founded with the motto “give me your tired your poor” was there fine print i didn't notice or that suggests otherwise .

Diverse country is what we have been since the beginning. It can be stereotyped that if you're a white person couldn't african americans say “Don't let whites in this country! They could be slave owners!”

IF you say anything like muslims could are all terrorists are you not suggesting that same thing. Building a wall says to the world that “We are special and no you can't come in.”
You ever come across a group telling a secret and they get quiet as u walk up ?

Did you feel left out and or like you were being made fun of? Angry? Perhaps even vengeful?

Imagine that on a global scale? When i hear things like america is the greatest country or we need to be great again? Is there some reason that people feel they have facts to back up these claims? Or credible sources that can confirm this? I don't recall a time in history that i would be compelled to suggest american was great .

Explain what being a great country is without opinion in it anyway and i might listen to an argument as to why you feel that america is so great.

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