Friday, March 3, 2017

My news source

My News Diet
By : James Saling

I have always been the type that prefers the “all you can eat” buffet analogy in regards to my news diet.

I simply seek out as many different views and reports of the goings on in the world.

Whether it be local, world, sports, entertainment or even a comedic view of current events.

I read anything from publications such as the “Sacramento Bee” to magazines like the “New Yorker” , “Sports Illustrated” and “Entertainment Weekly” .

My favorite circulated publication currently is the “USA Today” newspaper.

I also receive news feeds from social media outlets such as Twitter and Facebook.

Occasionally i will browse certain news websites like

While all these provide plenty of content. I do get make it a point to see the occasional Video News cast.

When I have the chance I prefer such telecasts as ABC World News , E! News and Sportscenter. Not to mention the enjoyment of the very funny Jon Stewart Daily Show or TMZ.

I am a guilty party of having a lack of desire at times to get a newsfix. I will still force feed myself when I am being news-erex-ick if you get that analogy.

As I stated thou, I do prefer the buffet over the appetizer for my news feed.

I always felt this enables me to sort out the fatty foods from the healthy protein and get the best news meal my brain can digest.

In the end i seem to always have a need for some media pep-to due to journal-diarrhea that comes from most news feeds.

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