Friday, March 3, 2017

Club day at school

James saling
w/c 281
Section : Scene

Club day has arrived and the students of ARC have another semester opportunity to enjoy their favorite clubs , make new friends and enjoy being with others that share the same interests .

C.A.E.B. which translates to College Associated Events Board was founded in July of 2011. The office is open Mon-Thurs. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The goal of C.A.E.B. is to coordinate events ,  unify  and represent all the student organizations of American River College.

ARC’s website is one of main sources when in need of any information regarding any clubs and Club’s Day .

There is so many clubs available to the student body here at ARC with a variety of interests  .

Some of the groups already established and taking members include International Life, SOAR Club, Phi-Theta Kappa , Latinos Unidos, Grace and Truth and Smash Bros Gaming Club.

The Student Center Pavilion played host to club day with an open invite to all that were interested.

There were games , music and fun. Clubs and Groups are accepting sign ups and new members.

There are some vendors are open for business as well with different stands.

Some of the great things available for purchase like apparel and jewelry that were hand crafted. There were many nice inexpensive gift ideas to shop for.

There were many recruiters available as well . There were representitives  for the military as well as other walks of life that have all the information you would need for their perspective fields.

ARC has these events often as well as many other great events with information dates and times on the ARC website@

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