Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Revised Word artistry

The idea of being a blogger is about having a passion so much for the topic that it literally shows in the writing.  If it is good, true and from the heart, then even the most unlikely reader will show interest.

It seems like being a blogger has become an art form that has lost its way It’s been replaced with an ego driven outlet sacrificing the writing to obtain as many views,likes and shares as possible.

A blog traditionally is a person having such a love for, knowledge of,strong view about or educated favoring or opposing arguments on a subject or a topic that they write a blog about it.

When this is the case, it really shines through in the work. This can make it easy to get into the person's blog and become a loyal reader.

Some can write so well in this form that they are able to attract a reader who may not even care about the topic.

Social media has put so much stock in how many likes, views, retweets, mentions and friends you have that some base their own value on this.

Those with high numbers in these categories seem to get this false sense of celebrity. When this is the case it also shows in the work of the writer.

A blog writer is meant to use their outlet to vent or praise or rant and rave. If others found the same passion in the blog they read the likes, views and praise would surely follow.

The false sense of celebrity offered by these social media outlets is transparent and superficial.

This induces delusional thinking. Realistically most that follow these bloggers will lose interest in the blog if the content isn't genuine and from the heart.

So being a  writer or artist is much different than being nothing more than an internet celebrity.  

Meanwhile the blog that has content that is truly from the heart of the writer will write no matter what the amount of likes and shares.

To them it isn't that which measures their worth to them.  

He overflowing toilet full of mindless superficial garbage that clutters the internet trending fizzzles out eventually. However to contrast and compare great literature of yesteryear has stood the test of time and in the digital age it's likely those that write with passion will too.

So all things considered the term blogger can be kept by the types that have overtaken the idea and ruined it.

The true passionate blogger can be referred to as what they truly are which can be describe as an artist.

With a genuine passion for what they are blogging about, and all the factors that make a good blog due to the writer's heart she or he puts into it, a blogger can be a word artist.

For the ones that do not write with that kind of passion, not doing justice to topics and original premise of what blogging was originally all about makes it feel like a lost artform.

Passion isn't taught. It's inside us all and perhaps the argument can be made that some just have not discovered their passion yet.

The written word throughout history has at times changed the world. What if something  that powerful were put in the wrong hands ? 

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