Friday, March 3, 2017

ARC non smoking

By: James Saling

The ban on the use of tobacco products on campus has left cigarette smokers  and vapor-pen users left with the question of where it is acceptable to go smoke.

Smokers,chewers,vapors and other tobacco users are scrutinized regarding their  habit no matter where they are. The ban on campus leaves no designated place for smokers to go.

Smokers feel no matter where they go they are disturbing those who do not smoke.
ARC student Jonni Louise said “ Walking ten feet from a building in an open area doesn’t help because I still hear the bickering about me smoking.”

A person who does smoke that may be trying to be considerate often is still verbally bashed by those who dislike smoke and tobacco use.

Those who are tobacco users know it does help to be a considerate to those who are not.

“I try to be very courteous to anyone who doesn’t smoke so that I can avoid hearing complaints but it never seems to help.” said Christian Lowell a passerby at the bus stop in front of the ARC campus.

Those not wanting to endure the smell of tobacco and the health risk should be granted a smoke free environment.

Since smoking is no longer allowed on campus smokers must now go off campus. There's been no designated area for tobacco users to occupy and non smokers to avoid if desired.

So they are left standing on corners,near the parking lots,standing at bus stops and other still highly trafficked areas.

Even though they are off campus people are still consistently complaining of the effect secondhand smoke is having on them.

If a person is fully aware the dangers of secondhand smoke then they should be courteous to those with health concerns.

However to suggest one is being affected when at an outdoor space while standing nearly twenty feet from someone seems a little overbearing. That is an argument that will most likely be made in vain.

Dol Gilstrap said “If there was an area that was designated for tobacco use than non-smokers could avoid it entirely and wouldn't be able to complain if they did not.”

With  such a big campus it would would make sense to some that ARC would designate a smoking area that anybody who does not want to be exposed to tobacco products could completely avoid.

Those who smoke should be willing to comply with any rule as it pertains to tobacco use.  The dangers second hand smoke exposure carry are very real. If a designated area is not provided the complaints by non-,smokers will continue.

To simply avoid this issue a simple sign stating  ……..

“This area may contain or cause exposure to secondhand smoke known to the F.D.A. to                        cause lung cancer and premature birth in pregnant women.”

...would clear the air altogether.  

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