Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Women's history month .

Women’s History Month Article
James saling

WC : 521

March begins women's history month and even though things like equality are still an issue in today's society it is important not to forget those women throughout history who shaped and changed the world of today .
Women are mentors , leaders , voices , inspirations , role models and don't forget givers of life .

There are so many examples of all these dating back to the beginning of civilization when the topic of great women in history is discussed.  

Names like Sappho who is one of the first known female writers .
Cleopatra ,the once great female ruler of Egypt.

Susan b. Anthony who was a huge activist against slavery.  

Emmeline Pankhurst , a British suffragette who dedicated her life to promoting women's rights .
Rosa Parks who was the amazing civil rights activist whose memorable refusal to give up her seat on the bus is believed to lead to some of the most significant civil rights legislation in history .

Betty Friedan ,the famed author of the book “Feminine Mystique” and advocate for women's rights in her time.

The list goes on and on .

Here at ARC there are many women who can easily be put in annals of history as difference makers .

Jaine Sferrozzo is studying to become a dental hygienist  and she has an on the fence opinion on the possibility of her having a hand in changing the world.

“ I have no delusions that as a dentist i perhaps will not have a hand in changing the world however I can be responsible for the perfect smile the one who does will have when they do.” said Sferrazzo .

“My grandmother was a no nonsense tough woman who took no bs from anyone and she was always my role model. I have missed her a lot since her passing”
English Professor Karen Devaney is a woman of many great traits. A dancer, an author , a thespian and terrific mentor and role model .

“When i was in college i had a professor that took me into her office and told that she loved my writing and that i needed to be published  and this was a professor that i truly respected. It truly brought tears of happiness to my eyes. “ Said Devaney

“ I can only hope that i may have that kind of influence on the young minds i get to teach. Hoping that long after i'm gone young women and people in general will find good in all i did and try to carry out the same goals of making a difference in this world.”

Professor Alan Miller teaches “Race and Gender in the Media” here at ARC . He spoke of a woman who was a personal favorite writer of his .

“Molly Ivins was a reporter and an author and broke barriers with her work” said Miller

The groundbreaking female journalist and author was dubbed  “The Written Renegade” .

“Her book titled “Molly Can't Say That …..Can She?” I have read numerous times and she was always someone I admired and whose work I really enjoyed .”

Women's history month being in full swing it is important to remember , acknowledge and honor the women throughout history who have changed the world and continue to do so .  

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