Friday, March 3, 2017

An inspiring tale

James Saling

Inspirations come in so many forms . Whether it be through music, movies , speeches or selfless acts the effect it can have on a person can be amazing.

In a day and age where sometimes it may seem hard to keep spirits up it isn't hard to find inspiration to do so.

ARC alumni, Adam Shapiro is graduate of the U.C.Davis with a bachelor’s degree in nutritional medicine.  

Shapiro’s story is unique in that has accomplished all of these things while bound to a wheelchair.

At 14, Shapiro fell off his bicycle and suffered a hyperextended neck injury that left him a quadriplegic.

Over the course of the next seven years Shapiro had nine surgeries related to his injuries. From a neck fusion to a steel rod implanted in his upper back he was forced to deal with pain that he himself said he wouldn't wish on his worst enemy.  

Adam loves things of a  spiritual nature. He is also enjoys cooking , reading , traveling, meditation and playing no-limit Texas Hold'em at his favorite card room called “Stones”.

Shapiro’s friends and family united around him and gave him the support system he needed to overcome his tragic injury. According to whom?

“I embrace what I face and attack every challenge,” Shapiro said. . “In my heart that the only thing that can hold me back is myself.”
Shapiro is confined to a wheelchair but is never one to sit back and watch the world pass him by.

“I could sit in a lonely world of misery crying out why me. The world doesn't owe me anything. So I was dealt a bad hand. Life is such a blessing and has so much beauty to enjoy. Each new day is a blessing to be grateful for.”

Shapiro took his educational degree  and has tried to use it to assist people in healthy eating lifestyles.

He makes a supplemental income preparing diet plans and specific eating habits, grocery shopping lists and eating routines to follow.

“I love to eat healthy and encourage others to do so. I am very strict as to what i eat. Bad eating habits is like  putting used oil and contaminated gas in your brand new car. “ Said Shapiro

“Our bodies are our machines that our soul drives and to keep it running you gotta fuel it with the best ingredients possible.”

Shapiro engages in meditation to find inner peace, seek answer to problems troubling him or just reflect on the many blessings he feels grateful to have.

“I don't feel cheated or angry about my situation. I was that way at first when i began this journey but i had a wonderful support group in my family. Pity, despair and can’t  are not words I recognize .“said Shapiro .

For someone that may have a good reason to find it difficult to stay positive Shapiro does not allow himself to get down or lose enthusiasm for life.

“To have hate and lack compassion without understanding is no way to live. The best way to start positive change you simply have to start within to make change for the better and the chain reaction effects it can have are amazing.’”

Shapiro finds everything in life extremely fulfilling and doesn't see a reason that everyday shouldn't be celebrated  .

He just celebrated his 34th birthday with friends and family at a casino called Jackson Rancheria.

His entourage of 10 all ate for free at the amazing buffet due to player rewards he accumulated with his poker play at this casino.

He was given first rate first class accommodations to stay over for the weekend since he and his lovely hearted girlfriend Michele Rivenes were celebrating their six month anniversary that same weekend.

Once again Shapiro demonstrates how the little things can mean so much and that you can never limit yourself.

So in high roller fashion he and his girlfriend enjoyed relaxing in luxury with many accommodations fit for a king and queen.

“Adam is a wonderful man and though the wheelchair and other needed equipment does flood my SUV.” Said Rivenes  “It does get hard sometimes I still don't see any disability when i look at him. “

“I see nothing but a beautiful charming caring man with a pure heart. Also if i ever get mad at him i know he won't be quick enough to escape my wrath. I love that we can joke that way.”

There are so many with no disabilities  who have not come close to achieving accomplishing and or conquering challenges  Adam has had to overcome.

To think of the painful surgeries, hard times, difficult emotions and the obstacles he had to face and overcome isn't anything you would wish on anyone .

Having his life turned upside down at such a young age as well.

How can one possibly use the word “can't” in any form.

Shapiro is truly an inspiration and a hero in every sense of the definition.

Never wanting anything more than the same respect, opportunities and chance to enjoy life even with the bad hand he was dealt.

To use a term from his favorite card game of No Limit Texas Hold Em .

Adam went all in and continues to win big every new day.

Even though in poker you need not always have the best hand to win sounds like he is playing with the best hand possible and can't be bluffed out for anything.

So what cards you are holding are irrelevant. Its how you play them that determines the negative or positive results.

With skill or luck you still have to have the drive to play and the first step to success is showing up. 

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