Friday, March 3, 2017

Broke news

The media has always used the term “Breaking News”. If the irony of that isn’t obvious then perhaps you might want to pay closer attention because the news has been broken for a long time.

The ARC Current distributes a print issue 5 to 6 times a semester. The writers and journalists of the future consistently has great articles about world and local news that relates to ARC.

Also with the opinion section and sports there are so many things both online and in the print that give news at it's more unbiased and uninfluenced form.

The news media being broken  isn’t something that any media or news cast will admit to.

If you think back to the first news cast and any of them since then have you ever felt like you were getting the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

The media and what they are fed to report to the masses is done with the “horror film” or “magician” method meaning to cause fear or misdirection.

More often than you can shake a stick at, to stick to the cliche and ironic terms, these methods are so overdone like a burnt $2 steak .

Sometimes it can seem like sad traumatic , shocking , appalling , danger  and fear inducing are the main focuses of newscasts and news outlets.

Watch any televised news cast , read a nationwide news publication or even follow the twitter account of your local newspaper .

A good example perhaps is pretend for a minute you see an article on the president and his decisions are causing havoc and protests ending in violence.

Then you hear a television news cast speak of a terrorist group making threats on America or other countries.

Then you sign on to social media and your local news feed reports a police officer shooting an unarmed minority and the whole thing was caught on live video feed.

Now amongst all that breaking news causing fear , anger and uncertainty do you even notice anything else?

That is of course if there is anything else to notice.

Where is the story of the volunteer group who funded and ran a shelter for displaced families?

The article regarding the woman who goes into labor while in an isolated area and is left with no choice but to find the courage to deliver her baby herself?

How bout the segment devoted to the pro wrestler that just granted his 500th wish to a “Make A Wish Foundation” terminally ill child whose dying wish was to meet him.

That wrestler spent the entire weekend this child including getting him a front row seat to see him win the big championship in the main event of the pay per view.

(Which actually did happen just recently)

So when the words “Breaking News” come over the air or hit the print the irony of that many believe the news has been broken for a long time.

Whether broke news is fixable or not ARC has a great journalism program for the future reporters of the world to get a head start in.  

The question of whether or not broke news is repairable is another story altogether. 

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