Sunday, March 5, 2017

WWE attitude

James Saling
Eng 101
Prof. Devaney
Blog #5
W/c 419
            Starting off Monday Night Raw they went with the old promo with Kevin Owens standing in a spot light a Dark Arena

            The prize fighter  absolutely killed it with his promo . He was even mentioned by good ol' jr Jim Ross in a blog of how he stole the show with his MIC skills alone .
           This sets the stage for fast lane and his match against Goldberg . Making him truly a believeable threat to be too smart and too young for Goldberg and his one dimensional straight at you style and his three move repitrua. So I would have preferred Scout Chris Jericho's name insinuating that after beating the hell out of him he wasn't even worth mentioning or acknowledging but otherwise he killed the promo.

        The next issue was how will anyone believe strowman cannot manhandle Roman reigns . Well that proved to be the case as the monster amongst men completely dismantled reigns and yet reigns still crawled to the table to sign the contract to fight at fast lane . This left strowman staring back at him smiling as if he was a kid given the key to the candy store.  This has sparked some interest in this match for sure.  

     Damn Cesaro section again back pain is overcome being injury-prone and is there no limits to his ability.

       Mick Foley  needs to renew and re- package his cheap pop delivery. I loved his “you may not respect me as a wrestler but you're damn sure gonna respect me as a legend” promo that was great.

     The Brian Kendrick cannot carry 205 live himself. He is just not getting over but with the addition of a isawa instead he has been may help a lot.
      There is just more proof of some things you just cannot teach rarely does a wrestler from Asian descent Japanese Chinese or other get over with the WWE fans in America. It is not because of their race. Tajiri a phenomenal example of that and another example of proof that you cannot teach the “IT” factor .

     Here is a “how I'd book it” moment. Jinder Mahal has been on three different ones with the WWE it seems like to me so here is how I get this very talented wrestler who has a good look come over with the WWE Universe. Here to push the envelope at all here's what you do you bringing Gold Dust to work with Jinder Mahal in a behind-the-scenes capacity and you test the waters with a gimmick that has two backups to it you make Jinder Mahal simply “gender” making a gender-confused adult.  I mean really push it in a serious high-profile set of vignettes.  If you get bad publicity for it you could simply say quotes “ why is there some reason for discriminating against transgender or gender confused people?” and I believe if done correctly this Jimmy could have an eventual sand decided baby's face Persona at it and bring transgender confusion and transgendered people trade platform never used and truly can raise even more understanding and awareness for them. But it would have to be done seriously in order to be taken seriously and I don't think the WWE is capable of that.

    The new drop the little bit of that Attitude Era end of their segment which was so awesome. It will be sad when they eventually break up how many teams throughout history have stayed together they really aren't good enough anymore to stand the test of time so new day is a breath of fresh air in the idea and throwback of the solid factions  of yesteryear.

     Don't care to see the club vs Enzo and Cass cause it simply seems like noone cares about the would be monster heels the club and Enzo's routine is growing old. Now if the club had screwed the new day right before breaking the longest tag team title reign then they would have real heat . Sadly they weren't even the dam team to knock off the new day at all.

        So that leaves charolette and Bailey for the women's championship . So for sure Charlotte will go over but I would like to see you shortly over because of Nia jax . This would cheat Bailey out of the title but it would give Maya the chance to face Charlotte at WrestleMania and break her undefeated pay-per-view streak. This is truly what is best for business.

         The last remaining match with WrestleMania implications is Sami Zayn and Samoa Joe. What should happen is Seth Rollins should interfere injuring Samoa Joe leaving Triple H helpless and in a position where he must face Seth Rollins WrestleMania. Because I don't believe anybody wants to see Samoa Joe Vs Seth Rollins there just isn't enough backstory to it for Wrestlemania.

           So in my next blog I will leave you smile and fast ring after that and prepare you for Wrestlemania with my predictions in my final blog On The Road to WrestleMania.

         So until then this has been ripped a new one

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