Sunday, March 5, 2017

Simplify it and it all gets easier !

“Simplest Terms”
(Simplify it and the world becomes easier!)

       If I told you that 2+2=4 you would agree I'm sure.  What about if I said 1*2+2*1÷2*20-16=4. Did I lose you ? Well with the math problem in mind there is no way to deny that the first way and shorter math equation was far more easy to deal with right ? So why not make everything in life as simple as you can ? It would be quicker more accurate and less chance or confusion.

       If you have been in a relationship then it is likely that you have heard your partner say “we need to talk”. When hearing this certainly there is a great percentage of outcomes where by the end of said talk the one being told this still had no idea what the talk was about .
    As reported by Lifehacker  media feed a study by the university of Chicago shows that 30% higher success rate amongst men and women who had more positive behavior and better communication skills held jobs longer , maintained more meaningful friendships and had less intimate relationships end badly.  

     Communication is thought to be a key element in anything like relationships,work places and most life situations. So let's use an example . You have an issue with your lovers hygiene . You say to them “ honey your breath is foul”. Odds are they would be clear on what was bothering you and you could act accordingly.

    Now let's take the beat around the bush approach to the same thing.  Example “ honey I need to discuss the inferior efforts being made on your part when it pertains to your inability to see and face an issue in regards to your dental hygiene practices and recognize your shortcomings that suggest you have no regard or respect for me . Therefore it is having a negative and detrimental strain on my personal sex drive causing me to have intimacy issues making us drift apart and want different things in romance and love. “

     Okay how long ago did you stop listening ?

      Patrick Spencer of the Harvard business review reported a study that involved 7000 + participants regarding consumers shopping for a product. The easier to gather info on the product weighed heavy in the decision to purchase . 86% of products that made the purchase journey simple were more likely the chosen ones when time to check out came .

    A test done by PSYBLOG produced simple results. Hnefripitrom or Magnalroxate, which sounds to be a more dangerous and unhealthy food additive?  Magnalroxate , which is more pronounceable made the 67% average of the participants equate simple with safer. Well to curb your enquiring minds , neither is a real word or a food additive whatsoever .

       (Oppenheimer 2005) performed a survey asking those  who assisted to read college essays . It was a landslide of readers who when came across papers with fancy language , convoluted sentences and gratuitous use of words were considered to have a lower level of intelligence as opposed to the writers who kept their essay simple direct and to the point.  
      Society is so concerned with being politically correct and careful of others feelings.

   According to webMD in 1977 the term post traumatic stress disorder was adopted to name what soldiers were going through after returning from war. Its original medical term was shell shock . A Twitter survey had shown out of 833 people 76.4% suggested that P.T.S.D. sounded like it was no big deal and could be handled with medication whereas shell shock seemed to have more seriousness sound to it. Now p.d.s.d. is used in so many forms that it has completely thinned out and lost its luster entirely.  

    It's all gratuitous linguistic verbal diarrhea.  Keeping it simple , blunt and to the point is really …..Um …...Simple to do .

    Society has always done this.  Take people of different races.  I mean when slavery was over black people were called black people. We all originally came from different countries. To reference everyone by the nation in which their origin is would just be too much to remember for me.  If your Chinese be that. I'd you're black be black if you're Mexican be Mexican.  America is a country that began with more diversity than anywhere in the world and over time just became more diverse.  Being Americans is a patriotic idea that never has proved to be worth committing to and if it had then we are not being diverse and employing individualism. We as a nation can be united Americans while not being forced into commitment to patriotic idealism we may not agree with.

    Now let's take another less global example to play with.  A simple task that occurs in our everyday lives. “Hey are you going to the store !? I'd love something to snack on . I don't know if I want chocolate or chips or what. Well how bout you surprise me with something to snack on .” So after a while the person you asked the favor of returns with a can of pedigree dog food . Since you have been to a liquor store you are aware of what they have in stock . So when you want to snack on something but are not simple and to the point can it be argued that you didn't say you would not want to snack on dog food?  Now say it simple and direct .”hey , I'd like a bag of cheese Doritos a Caramel snicker bar and a 20oz coke in a bottle.  Being the receipt and I will reimburse you.  If they don't have my item I picked just leave it out and don't substitute . “

     Wasn't that so much easier to deal with if you were the one going to store ?

     To test my own claims I put all my theories to the test . From 8 am yesterday morning until 11pm that late evening I held a pen and more pad and logged every single time I encountered anything that was done, said or explained in a way that could have been so much better, efficient and easier if it had just been simplified.

    97 times . That is right 97 times I logged where things could have been done said or other in a simple more easy way.
     97 times where things simplified could have left so much free time for other things and lowered the possibility for misunderstanding or errors .

    Think about it.  Still not convinced ? Try it yourself . Take just a thirty minute part of your day where you interact with people the most.  Log on a piece of paper how often what you heard or saw done could have been simplified in some form. When you do you will see #1- how much easier all aspects of life can be . And number #2- you will realize how you could have stopped me along time ago and asked me to simplify this . If had simplified it you would have already been done hearing my theory and onto other things . See ? Told you I was right.  You cannot argue logic ….especially if you simply don't want to.  


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