Monday, March 6, 2017

Faces of fear column #5

Faces of fear part 5
(Getting old )
James Saling
WC 440

This is part five in my series about fear and brings me to a fear of something almost everyone has to face eventually and that is getting old.  

     Longevity , healthy eating habits exercise , regular doctor check ups and proper rest. These are all things we are encouraged to do even at a young age .

      These kind of habits if not instilled into a person at a young age will be very hard to developer in someone much older.  Can't teach old dog new tricks theory can apply here.

     Sadly when your young you may not think much of the habits being pushed on you and perhaps may just feel like you're the exception and don't have to worry about things like that.

    Next thing you know you are 50 years old and in need of several check ups you do not want to have and possibly even a procedure (minor surgery) that puts a scare in you .

    I know there are many great things to enjoy with age. Bingo , senior discounts everywhere and better insurance rates.  

    All joking aside though I know wisdom , life experience and respect are some of the earned rights you have earned in older age .

    My fear of getting old is not in the process but in the eventual possible needs that may incur . Such as not being able to work will my social security be enough to maintain independent living . What if an inability to care for myself arises and 24 hour care is needed. What I'd dementia or possibly alheimers begins to set in. Who will look after me ?

     How will able to afford decent healthcare . What will I do to make my final arrangements not put a severe strain on my loved ones financial situation?

      Will I have anyone even be there in my final hours and how scared will I be when that time comes anyway?

    Will I have had a bucket list and completed it as well ?

    This is another fear I cannot for see getting over and yet it is an inevitable future.  

     I am scared to death as if it was a bug crawling up my leg and wanting to climb a tall ladder to get away from it knowing if my lover sees the sissy side of me she will leave me and I will be heartbroken and I will face growing old alone.
(See what I did there ? If you have read this column since the beginning you will. If you haven't ….what are you waiting for. )

Don't take life too serious…………..You will never make it out alive ! 

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