Saturday, March 25, 2017

Is there good horror films anymore ?

What movies can still scare me .

    To explain what scares me when it comes to film or any form of entertainment I would have to say involves the writer to enable me to put myself into mix so to speak. Now I don’t mean in the sense of suspending disbelief so much as I do completely being able to relate to what is going on so much so that I have either experienced a situation similar or it is a realistic fear of something being portrayed having the good chance of being or becoming a reality.
               So in a sense it is the Thriller Genre that is more able to captivate and exploit my inner fears for it is the edge of your seat realistic situations that always have my heart racing. Now examples of that would be things like paranormal activity and the serpent and the rainbow. Thou they mave have a horror label to some I consider them thrillers and also find them to be potentially stories that could easily be thought to have the possibility of becoming reality.
          Now other films like the Exorcist have always left me unable to sleep easy but again this is another story that would not be totally impossible to be a real life incident. Improbable perhaps but not impossible. Society has become so numb to so much gore and violence in the media and t.v. now a days that the horror genre is a highly underappreciated art form that lost its appeal as to what makes a horror film so good.
          The  movie Vertigo is an example I will use. That movie was so horrifying but if you presented it to todays moviegoer they would probably call it boring and why……because they don’t have the desire to see it the way it was meant to be seen and enjoy the suspense that it provides cause most have lost touch with the idea of what a true horror classic film is made up of and why we love to be scared
       So unless a new genre of horror is invented and I don't mean the fake documentary type like "the Blair witch project " or "paranormal activity" but a genre that doesn't relay on shock scenes to make you jump then great horror films of yesteryear will only be a footnote in history and that glory will never be attained again.
          That is kind of scary thought ........OH MY GOD !

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