Friday, March 3, 2017

A view on kappernick

Byline James Saling

They say you shouldn't sleep in another man's bed. Not to eat someone's last slice of pie. Never take their last beverage.

Never berate,belittle or discriminate someone because of their religious beliefs.

One shouldn't insult another for being what they feel is not pretty by what todays standard are.

It is also thought by some that you shouldn't be judgemental on decide what makes someone  a good person and worthwhile or a bad person and unworthy.

It's felt by many that it is destructive to enable bad behavior or bad habits.

There are those many that hate and will never back down from  bullies who take advantage of the weaker.

Most of all never react to anything.It can be argued that thinking thing thru and taking into considerations all factors can produce the best action.  

Just reacting  seemingly can have a negative effects causing reactions that can  result in bad choices.

With all the outrage and all the opinions people have had over Colin Kaepernick's protest of the country and the way leaders and people of authority behave and treat minorities.

He felt sitting during the national anthem was his best opportunity to protest in favor of his views on the current situations this country has witnessed in recent months.

The police officers who  allegedly were witnessed  shooting unarmed men as well as the racism and stereotyping that appears to go on has cause a feeding frenzy of social media and other outlets.

He refused to salute a flag of a nation that he suggests oppresses his race but then happily enjoys the freedoms this  provides him.

Not to mention  making  millions of dollars  playing a game he loves because he has those freedoms thanks to the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice.

They are who and what the flag and national anthem represents.

Kaepernick is standing (or sitting/kneeling) in protest of corrupt police officers, racism, injustice and stereotyping.

He is being scrutinized and labeled by some a disrespectful wanna be activist who has disgraces those men and women who died for this country.
Those people who made the ultimate sacrifice to their country's freedom so people like Colin Kaepernick don't have to live in fear and will  be treated fairly.

Many feel Kaepernick disrespected those who fought and died for this country to be free by what he did during the national anthem.

It can be said that those men and women that fought for this country are not the ones he is protesting or standing up against.

While it is clear that those who founded this country and those who declared our independence as a nation have not shot and killed unarmed men live on facebook.

One could go on to argue  that  those who the flag and the national anthem were created to honor have not sold drugs and guns to minorities.

So can someone be guilty of dishonoring the memory of those made this a free country by what Mr Kaepernick did during the national anthem?

Was it disrespectful to those who do honor the flag or the men and women who love this country and fight to protect it today?

The socks that had pigs in pomice uniforms  seemed to be directed toward making a statement about corrupt racist and stereotyping bad apples of the bunch in law enforcement.

The police brutality happening on what seems like primarily the minority and poverty stricken as well as simply stereotyped people of color is definitely an issue.

Many say that this is  an unjustice worthy of getting behind and standing up for. Does that make all police officers guilty?

It can be thought of as admirable that he has  strong convictions on these issues.

Raising awareness has proven to produce great things .

The statement made with the pig socks (socks that showed swine dressed in police uniforms) was  considered bold by many and seemed to make his convictions clear.

This was a statement Kaepernick used the stage he has been fortunate to be on to express his protest in hopes of raising awareness.  

Those with a public stage that can really make make an impact in this fashion but as they say  with great power comes great responsibility.

He has that stage and the freedom to express his 1st amendment rights due to the men and women that gave their life for the freedom of this country.

The freedoms that the flag and the national anthem are a symbol for.

The flag he won't salute or acknowledge and the anthem he will not stand show patriotic pride in.  

So is a person wrong for choosing to make a statement and stand (or sit down)  for something they believe in.

If a person wants to make their  voice heard does anyone  have a right to be discourage from expressing their beliefs?

Do people have the freedom to protest something they feel is wrong?

Can anyone contest what they think is an injustice?

Can it be said that can Kaepernick is wrong for choosing to protest and not be salute a flag when it isn't those the flag is a symbol for that have caused the problems he wants to speak out on?

Can people be allowed to scrutinize and ve judgemental toward him for everything he has stood up for?

Well those that have read the Constitution of the united States and know it well can answer this very easily.

Yes yes and yes.

Those within this country  have a right to say what they  feel. To think for themselves. It is a constitutional  right to any u.s. citizen.

There is one thing the nation would do well to remember and exercise.

That is that just as one wants to be able to have and exercise their constructional rights.

It could be considered hypocritical to deny others their right to do the same by disagreeing.

Shouldn't the people of this nation remember and honor  those that fought and died for all the freedoms Americans enjoy.  

Understanding all walks of lifecan be very beneficial and  rewarding.

Employing the constitution,  expressing personal views and protesting things that others don't  agree with are all not only the rights of every citizen of the united States they were encouraged.

Dishonoring those who  died to defend American, its constitution and the freedoms that come with it technically can be considered a right as well.

To say it's pointless debating an argument that seems like it can't be won is debateable.  

The old saying goes  “ pick your battles.

Couldn't it be said to make sure one should pick the right field to battle on as well?  

Whether it be weapons or words or actions anyone can all hurt others  just as badly in any fashion  and in some ways worse by any means that just aren't necessary.

So was it wrong what the 49’ers star player did during the national anthem ?

,Was it wrong for those to speak out on what he did and say that he is wrong and disgraceful for his actions?

          According to the constitution and the rights of  United State citizens the answer to both questions is ……..YES . 

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