Friday, March 3, 2017

Planet’s Remains

Planet’s Remains

My name's Jonaith Winthon. First Emperor's Fighting Systems Squad Major and commander of the 1150 F.S.O. infantry. Kind of irrelevant to mention since I am the sole surviving member of my squad.
It seems like the sky has not changed in decades until today. It’s filled with clouds similar to the one that were bringers of the rain.
I can't recall what task I was involved in when the A.I. Alert came over the S.M
B. frequency. What I do recall is thinking how many times I've heard that a weird noise and how annoying it was. However this Artificial Informant Alert was different. This was no longer just a monthly test. This was an E.L.M.N. which stands for extinction level martial law notification.
I need to back up a minute and explain. P.E. (Planetary Earthanical) is what the earth is known as now. There isn't what you would think of when your hear the word planet and there isn’t much of a planet left at all. You see after the fifth world war the remains of Earth are nearly not recognizable and the oceans and continents it once had are a faded memory to the three species of human that remain of a once countless population.
Amerasia is what the world became after World War 4 and the Allied American and Asia specifically China / Vietnam became the controllers of the resources of the world.
It didn't take long for this dynasty to fall apart as well. Bringing on another war that would be the end of the normal world as anyone knew it.
The devastation destroyed the Earth nearly to its core. The man-made substations of the post-apocalyptic Earth or should I say the rock that remained in orbit which is determined to be actually about 50% of the earth original mass were  exposed.

The remains developed a gravitational pull as well as an  electromagnetic field and an atmosphere to protect living things and people from the sun's harmful rays and Cosmic radiation which many religions claimed to be God sparing the deserving.

However  even by religious standards it appeared more like hell and those survived to be the ones perishing in its fury.
The remaining Earth was a result of mankind's arrogance and when the impact of over 100000 gyrosphere missiles impacted the Earth's moon it had served as a bulletproof vest but there were still catastrophic results.
The impact and explosion blew the moon into huge asteroid type pieces each with a collision course with Earth. The arrogant ideas of being the only living species of the any galaxy but humbly smart enough to prepare for impacts like this they thought would enable them to survive these situations. So our 2nd four fathers did prepare accordingly. Although those subterranean survival stations did as it was thought they would be capable of the human race and everything living suffered undocumentable losses.

Once it was realized what it would take to continue life on the planet when it became possible to, the attempt to restore life had begun. Over 700 years after the missles that the destroyed the moon that collided with Earth it was knocked into orbit closer to the Sun. This had placed this Earth into an orbit that was equal to that of  planet Venus once was.
Due to all of the radiation and gyrosphere missile fallout this became a blessing as the sun had began to dim greatly from its original power. The three species of human were able to survive because of this but I mention the arrogance because how else can you explain why a race of being would name a Galaxy after a sugar-filled cocoa treat a kid eats called a Milky Way candy bar.
So with the sun losing it's original thought to be never ending provider of power and light in the eventual doom of what earth remain was clearly the fate.
So back to the cause of all this. The early 31st century it was written that the symbiotic cannibal homo-subotic species that was known to hoarder the skins of anything living we're constantly at battle with the hummel-aquatic-sapiens who had developed  gills and had adapted to life underwater and what stood in the crossfire was the remaining population of the normal male and female human species.

So with the galactic fall of earth rogue planets and their  species begin to reveal themselves and their intentions as it had been three thousand years since the human race took the planet Earth and forced them off of it.
The worst and dirty secret in the Earth's history is how much like the pilgrims took America from Americans or Indians as they were known to be called and told them to be thankful for their lives being spared humankind took the planet from the original earthlings after being developed as a species meant only to be grown and used for work until they were no longer useful and put in boxes to decay giving fertilizer to the ground to grow foods to feed the human workers that would ensure the health and reproduction of more human workers.
The human race rebelled and before you feel sorry for us as a race just know the centuries upon centuries of sick and cruel evil and unfathomable things our race did during it's R
Rebellion. Think of your worst fears and nightmares and I would call them children stories compared to the horrid sickness that possessed the race and their idea of necessary acts for human advancement.
So when the attempt at the end of came it was no surprise the attackers wanted to destroy and finish off what humans have mostly destroyed anyway and if possible take any remaining usable resources while making the human race completely extinct for good. So yes the human race was a slave race that killed raped and stole the planet from its own makers.
What they called The Glory Days of mankind are not something that I as a human am proud of my ancestors for. However I will die or fight before I allow myself or my bloodline living to become slaves and suffer for what those did 3000 years ago.
With nearly nothing to live for remaining a sun at the end of its life and hardly much of a bloodline left and 3000 years of history doomed to be blinked out by this extinction-level series of events the New Order of Governing Empire Vichy has placed me responsible to take the device I'm holding and being one of the less than 2200 living beings on P.E. to try and attempt to log a history as much as I can recollect.
They asked me to do so due to our imminent permanent demise in the hopes that if and when a new species comes along and discovers this history log we will be remembered studied and appreciated and we can pass on everything that we know to assist this new species for their technology existence and survival.
Since my Inception I have followed orders so I will continue to do so now and grant the council's request in carrying out logging the history of the human species to pass on anything and everything I feel like will be beneficial to any species that discovers this history log.
So here it goes to those of you who may find this record of over three thousand years of historic events and no you may not even understand what I'm speaking if you are an intelligent life-form eventually you will I'm supposed to as ordered give you all you need to know about the human species so that you may learn from us all you can so your society and race will have all of our knowledge to be able to survive and prosper as infinitely as possible. That being said I give you this..………..


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