Monday, March 6, 2017

The story of Hugh Hefner

Hugh Hefner or Hef as he liked to be called was the mind behind the publication known as playboy.  Considered to be the exploitation of women by feminist groups but 
Thought  of much differently by fans of the publication without a doubt Playboy magazine had a huge impression on society and stamped itself on US history and pop culture.

A question since it's first Inception is whether the magazine is a collaboration of female beauty or the exploitation of women. It can also be suggested that it caused a program images to the standard of what it is to be beautiful and saying that you if you aren't up to these standards then you are not relevant to those who are. In the same argument it can also be said that the magazine served as a platform for women to be more open and free to express their sexuality. Hef himself stated his  magway of celebrating the female body and the beauty and that a woman is to be cherished. Financial Freedom were gained   when he targeted a demographic of consumers who were perfect for the magazine. Negative or positive one's perception is simply just a matter of personal taste an opinion.

Whether you call that literature porn smut or just a magazine it was a time when women were still very constricted and forced into conservativeness. So if the magazine exploited men this way would there have been a similar outrage or a typical double standard implemented. This all coincides with the sexism misogyny and stereotype that will always be a touchy subject between Mars and Venus if you get the trope. Much like the guy who has had 100 sex  partners and is considered cool manly and admired by his peers where is the woman doing the same thing is quite the opposite. Men find her to be faulty or used and her peers girlfriends be little her and verbally destroy her reputation attempting to make her disliked as much as possible. So is this magazine the root of all this? Is it really fair to suggest that? With all things considered it is easy to believe Hugh Hefner was a Visionary who was opportunistic and had no bad intentions and acting on the business ventures came up with. People do all things all the time with the hopes or intent game well same and more. A lot of times these people are doing so by things that can be questionable morally and not to mention the people they could be hurting in the tragedy they could be exploiting as well to do so.
. Find you no record of any Playboy model ever came forward complaining of abuse harassment or blackmail during their modeling work no model has ever food or claimed sexual assault in any way shape or form that has ever work for you Hefner is he just lucky or does he run a respectable business and treat women with the upmost respect? Has someone ever Casanova was still a hopeless romantic who was in love with the idea of being in love. His love of women also became his way to make a living which led to the Dynasty and lifelong Financial Security and a job he loved to do. Who wouldn't want to go to work every day doing what they love and get rich doing it in the process we should all be so lucky.

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