Thursday, March 30, 2017


          I have always loved the written artwork of poetry. In most of our lives poetry to some degree has had its affect on us. All out favorite songs are just forms of poetry set to music.  That alone is a major source of inspiration . So I really have hoped that I could someday write something so special that it would be remembered and inspire for generations to come.  
     One of my all time favorites has some religious implications to it . I am not a Christian and actually I am not far from what can be called an Atheist . However the poem I am referencing is called “Footprints" . I began writing poetry at a young age while inspired by this poem that had an unknown artist . This tearful happy message within the poem had me inspired to write poetry and with that in mind this poem was one of the very first I ever wrote and it was called “The Land Above” .

The Land Above
The land above oh how it is so high .
I am a dreamer and my thoughts carry me away.
Just to know what it would be like for I too wish I could fly.
To the highest mountain tops that touch the blue sky.
To be like those birds with wings spread.
Like artists of the air as they float and glide.
Or perhaps like the birds that are able to sing.
With such sweet sounds of love.
How great it must be on that land above.

              So bare with it i mean i wrote this when i was six years old so i know it sounds a little magoosh. As i have gotten older i have to say that i have adopted quite a few favorite writers and poets. None that you might come to expect me to say though. I am proudly not a cliche fan of Hemingway . Nor do i find any interest in being a bandwagoner and say i'm a fan of betty friedan. However i have in fact read Feminine Mystique. I have a good admiration for D.C.Andrews for creativity and originality, I am also a fan of Molly Ivins whom i reference to as “The Written Renegade” . I naturally like the writings of former professional wrestlers i grew up watching such as Ric Flair , Shawn Michaels and New York Times 26 run best seller Mick Foley’s Have a Nice Day. I have never been a real Shakespeare fan and i will end this blog entry with the reason why .

“Because artistic poetry is really easy to fake…….when thy sentences thus no f****** sense make!”

Thanks for viewing my blog and I will post another original i wrote in my glory pre-teen years next time! 

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