Friday, March 3, 2017

Jus an observation

Their bulletin boards and places in all areas around  ARC campus to post anything pertaining to campus clubs, social meetings, contests,  information about scholarships, as well as school events, dates and times.

How often these bulletins and messages are paid intention to or actually even read is another story though.

Information posted in these areas can be quite useful to the average student at a RC . Prime example of that would be in the Student Financial Aid Office there are many bulletins posted up about scholarships and financial aid funding.

In Davies hall one can find information posted about the different Publications that are released quite often on campus . These publications such as “the parrot” are always  seeking out writers to submit story's . There are flyers that contain information on  contests to enter to win actual money for your writing skills as well.  

In classrooms there are many unusual posters picture and things in many cultures posted on the walls better just simply overlooked at times. One prime example of that would be in the Raef Hal room 160 . There are photos and things on the walls that pertain to so many different topics such as.

So when you use the analogy taking time out to smell the roses by suggesting to take time out to read what's on the walls cause it might benefit you . It  can easily be said to quote an icon from the 1980s……..

“ things move pretty fast if you don't stop and look around once in awhile you might miss it” - Ferris Bueller

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