Saturday, March 25, 2017

Wrote this in the first week of school as a class assignment. Back in August 2016

The Bio of James Saling (Jimmy Ripp)

                  I was born James Elias Saling. I have adopted the name Jim E. Ripp (Jimmy Ripp). I was born during Christmas time of 1973. I grew up in Santa Monica until moving to Oakland when I was 8 years old. I came to ARC at the young age of 42.
          The delay in my pursuing a college degree/experience was due to becoming a father at a young age but also due to my attempts at chasing a dream since I was 5 years old. That dream came true for me on June 18th 1998 when I made my debut in professional wrestling at a small indy wrestling show in Swiss Park of Newark California. I went on the gain an Indy Wrestling following where during one span of two years straight I was one of the most hated wrestling personalities in California and west coast.
         Now if not familiar with wrestling at all then what I was would be equal to being the best at what you do on your level and in consecutive years.
        My peak of my career or I could say my 15 min of fame came when I appeared in the movie Beyond the Mat ( a wrestling documentary movie made by Barry Blaustein). Following that I began to travel all over the US and some parts of Canada and Mexico with a highlight of appearing  at a show called “Legends of Wrestling” where in front of 7500 people including my two kids and my entire family I main evented and stole the show .
          I came to ARC cause I was influenced by my brother who has obtained a AA degree from here and speaks so highly of all the staff of faculty he had courses with and those who also helped him along his way during his time here. I don’t really have a specific major but my career as a pro wrestler being over for the most part I still have high hopes of making it to the WWE someday which is the biggest pro wrestling entertainment company on the planet.
        Thou I am no longer a canidate to be a performer in the ring I now seek the chance to become a storyline writer with that company. Of all my travels and wrestling appearances it was always pointed out to me by my peers and handlers that I always had more of a gift of gab and a knack for creating gimmics and storys for wrestlers to carry out and had a good connection with what kept people coming back and filling the seats.
      So that being said I want to give that like I have everything else I have ever done in my life the best shot I can take and I want to have all the possible tools that can make that dream a reality as well. That is why I am taking this course and many like it. I feel that anything and everything I can learn as it pertains to writing or journalism or anything that can be related to the goal I have so when combined with my 15 years of wrestling experience I figure I have the best chance to see this dream all the way through.
        I do have other fall out plans and hopes as well as other interests too. I am a dance enthusiast. Not ballet or anything artistic but I can dance like those younger club goers and will frequently patron dance night clubs to enjoy showing them up on the dancefloor. I have also in the past few years discovered a love for and high skill of playing poker.
       My current employment is with IHSS as a care provider for disabled and autistic people. That is something I get a lot fulfillment from that I am making a difference to someone and doing some good in this world.
       So no matter where life takes me or what path I end up on I will always take the approach that dive year old boy inside me did when I pursued becoming a pro wrestler. I will never give up trying to improve on the best version of me and most certainly always be happy and proud of the best me I am able to be .
Thank you for reading and enjoy every minute of your life's path. No matter how bumpy the ride may get.

-James"Jimmy Ripp"Saling

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