Friday, March 3, 2017

WWE Smackdown rant

                              Ripp’d A New One Vol #4

    Smackdown Live gave its post Royal Rumble show with the road to wrestlemania theme and the excitement of it in the air with the wild enthusiastic crowds. The Smackdown live PPV Elimination Chamber coming in a week …….only on the WWE network for $9.99….what are you waiting for ?  

    Okay now that the shameless plug is out of the way . American Alpha is becoming the tag team version of “John Cena” . There is still so very little interest in the tag team wrestling aspect of either brands show. Now that the New Day has broken the Demolition longest reign as champs record they lost the belts a day later to a forced together who then lost them a week after that .  So there is not a whole lot of reason to be excited about tag team wrestling with the issue being extremely dismal the same on both brands. 04e1b5b0-e1e9-4fc3-a9af-927efe801165

    Naomi finally getting her title shot against Alexa Bliss. Bliss could've have been a great heel champion and i say could have because i know for a fact that she will drop the belt . Which more or less mimics the booking of the RAW womens title . Only at least Charolette is a monster heel and just simply gifted by the gods with her talent.

    So the WWE title will be on the line in the chamber match . No way superman hangs onto the belt. If for no other reason no one wants to see Cena vs Orton. However in the same breath no one wants to see Orton vs. Bray Wyatt as well which is who i believe to be the one that is gonna win the chamber match and become WWE champ.

    Meanwhile the unbelievably talented Luke harper gets the sidelines to take a backseat to a match no one cares about. Smackdown was great out the gate but ever since the brand split both RAW and SmackDown storylines have lost their luster.

    With the misuse of the best heel in WWE except Charlette Flair the Miz is getting put in the main event but is not gonna get a very deserved push. The factors of this together make for a terrible product and confusion storylines. The lack of pushes to the right guys and the lack of pulling up new guys from NXT leaves a stale taste in fans mouths. 92abbc99-6d1b-4e54-82c2-73ec678473e0

    So to continue reviewing these shows with the product being put out is very difficult cause i am a life long fan of the WWE and dont like to bash them but to be an advocate of their bad television im left only with the WWE network to plug which has so much content that it would take you 8 hours a day for 75 years to be able to go thru it all. So at least we have that to look forward to . Well anyway . Until next time this has been “Ripp’d A New One” 

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