Saturday, March 18, 2017

The no TV. test

Media & Mass Communication
Prof. Johnson

My “No T.V.” Experience
The joy that it gave me.

(Brought to you with no commercial interruptions )

By : James Saling

James Saling   Page - 1
Mass Media
Prof. Johnson W/C:954
(No T.V.)

          There was certainly a time when I look back that I consider myself a television junkie . So I'm a recovered couch potato . Now to examine what role the media outlets and television play in my life. I have grown accustomed to living with very little television in my life over the past few years . I don't care much for the programming diarrhea that airs on T.V. I have probably five or six shows I truly like to watch regularly . So I'm what I call very moderate watcher .  The times and days of the shows are irrelevant because between my 50 hour work week and school it's rare that I even get to watch anything when it airs live .

                   I do have a pattern of watching mindless comedies for entertainment mainly . I have show preferences like “Family Guy” and “South Park “ . Both are ract animated comedies.  I also enjoy the occasional “America's Got Talent “ show because I used to watch that show every week with my late mother . Lastly I am a huge fan of wrestling since birth and being a retired pro wrestler I am also an avid fan cause a lot if the big stars today are guys I worked with throughout the years I that “before they were famous” times .

                 The unfortunate part of that is I usually have to watch these shows on my phone and as we know that is just murder on the eyes . I don't have the simple luxury of a television at my disposal not a private room to watch one in anyway . I live in a five bedroom house with 7 other people . I have been forced to adopt the front room at my bedroom . No door no privacy . Even worse , lifts our r.v. off and quiet after 11 p.m. However being in the front room I get disturbed by everyone from the ones off work at late hours coming home to the early risers that prepare for work or school at four or five a.m. So I deal with all that and dishwasher noise mid night snackers and the reasons I am denied private , quiet or alone time .
            I face so many distractions in a single day it's almost not believable.  Start with my brother who is a delusional schizophrenic . So he has a tendency to wander around the house and so I have to deal with him turning on every light in the house , him attempting to cook and his conversations he has with those that are not there . Then you factor my sister  , her daughter and her fiance and her daughter were acting in strange manners. The

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Mass Media
Prof. Johnson
“No T. V. “

monopolize the entire 500 gigabytes of the hard drive and  that because of you  having a honest man inside you. I have  idea that could be.

                       Next is my other brother who when in the reach of a  television remote will turn the channel to the Syfy network and oddly lose the remote refusing to change the channel and half the time not even watching the dam t.v. Then there is my son who is an avid gamer.  When he is in possession of the television he has his online playstation 4 system online . Thinking of getting a chance to watch r.v. when this is going on is very naive and delusional . Lastly is my cousin Rachel . She will play the music channel on usually either reggae music or some classic Mozart or Chopin . So even when I go ahead and attempt to view a favorite of mine on my phone I am still faced with distractions therefore unless I go somewhere secluded alone I really never get to experience quiet , private or peaceful time to enjoy any t.v. shows .
                   Taking this test to not watch any media outlet was not very difficult whatsoever .In fact it made it clear to me that I desire to watch television even less that I originally thought . . As for the the gals of time I used to enjoy television. I now find myself writing a lot more.  So with one thing i give up I take up more of doing another . It is clear to me what the reasons for the shows I prefer . Now of course wrestling is a choice of my history of love for the.form of entertainment . The mindless comedy I prefer though certainly comes from the desire to not have to think , respond or problem solve in any fashion .
                 No matter whether it be t.v. or radio or anything in my world it is difficult to escape ant mass media . I really never find myself ever seeking out updates or gossip or anything like that . These factors due kill the desire to watch or view any media for me. I do feel that perhaps in a different environment with different circumstances I may feel differently about all this and have alternative answers to this query .
                 So my take on the need , or lack thereof for a media outlet are clear as day .Unless a major change occurs in my geographical and emotional situations I cannot foresee a different opinion coming anytime soon.  So until they
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Mass Media
Prof. Johnson
“No T. V. “

start beaming mass media directly into our brains I will simply continue to enjoy the time I get away from all media outlets when I do get them and enjoy that and the little things in life that really matter.  . 

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