Friday, March 3, 2017

The Hunting Ground

The Hunting Ground
(Opinion by James Saling)
Race , gender and stereotypes cause many issues most have to deal with and some even on a daily basis.
The documentary “The Hunting Ground” displays a lot of those very problems with its content .
It is story and message is mainly centered around a female student who claimed she was sexually assaulted by another student at her college. The controversy  comes from the high profile football star of that college being the one she has accused this of.

Its original focus and main purpose was to raise awareness of sexual assault on college campuses throughout the United States.
While this is a major problem and a serious one to boot it does seem as though this documentary does display a certain degree of bias as it develops.

Many would  agree that  there is no question how wrong it is  when reference to  the harm of women and children.

However in this country you do have a right to a fair trial and innocent until proven guilty is still the policy as it pertains to Justice.

When explained in the movie The reason for the bias suggestion is because there are claims the football star was favored given special privilege it was also declared that over a 12-month time frame no action was taken by police even though the victim did visit a hospital and received a rape kit exam immediately following the alleged incident

To speculate on the facts of this case would be irresponsible however one would think that a woman being sexually assaulted and willing to go to the hospital to receive testing with a rape kit would not wait a whole year to speak out about an incident that police were taking no action on.

Even without being an attorney it can be argued that every single bit of the alleged victim story had so many flaws that a lawyer would have a field day with her in defense of the athlete she accused.

Don't let it be said that sexual assault is not a real thing and a serious problem some might even say an epidemic because  it is that just that.

Every case reported It is believed that there are probably a dozen or more that go unreported let alone investigated.  

However to think that every case has a guilty party in it and at no time can anybody possibly be innocent is in itself biased and stereotyping

Even the most possible attempt at being objective it could be easily argued even after watching a bias display by the filmmaker of the documentary that this individual case represented in this film or simply one of a young lady with bad intentions and ulterior motives.

Well it seems that no motives are clear. there is a very good chance that no one will ever know the real truth behind any story and its exact details. for only the victim and the ceiling without first-hand Witness can be the only two that really know the truth.

So at the risk of Playing devil's moderate the case could be made for the female of course or or could it be an occasion where accused is actually innocent this time when faced with all the details available from this documentary taking an unbiased approach you might still see the holes in her story you may come to an unbiased opinion of your own.

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