Wednesday, March 15, 2017

WWE Ripp'ed a new one.

WWE blog entry

Ok let me start off by saying I simply do not like the way the WrestleMania card has been tossed together.  
Top to bottom it appears to be just a collage of list direction in the way of true good storylines.

Nevertheless Monday night raw was another slight disappointment . I like the Jericho that we are seeing on TV.  Looks like the guy who loves what he does a Jericho I haven't seen since the times or him and the rock sharing a microphone and getting pops at Stephanie's breast and hoe persona expense.  

Now I loved the idea of why Shawn michaels was out there to speak to Roman reigns however if the match at the mania is not booked to where the undertaker beats the humble into him ( storylines wise) then even with a heel turn u r not gonna see the fans boo him for any reason other than when it started with his failed wellness test. Heel or no heel that is not good heat.  Just for fun check my next blog of “how I'd book it ( the roman reigns falling empire )  . Back to raw .
So Jericho gives a vintage promo and plugs the match with him and k.o. at mania .

Then there was the woman's match that teased a Sasha heel turn again with a roll up win holding the tights in Dana who the queen Charlotte began to chastise for losing again and Dana began beating Charlotte all over the ring. Great heat and chants for the mostly unnoticed Dana.  The triple threat women's title match for  mania stands to steal the show most likely.

So mick foley was ordered to fire someone by the end of raw this is the heel turn of Stephanie once again. So when the hardcore legend told Steph she she be the one fired after a shouting match our game triple h the long story short triple h began to beat down mic after taking Mr socko. Then Seth Rollins came out and he and the king of kings at it but triple h got the best if it and thus the stage is set for the two of them at WrestleMania  .

Kind of somewhat stagnant raw but it did work on the hyping of WrestleMania.  So until next time This has been Ripp'ed a new one !

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