Friday, March 3, 2017

What would u do

If i could do anything in the world i think it would be  that i would like to become a motivational speaker.

Not in the cheezy ‘ YOU CAN DO IT “ manner . but more of the life coach that really makes a difference type that can truly connect with people . since i was five years old  i was so certain i was gonna be famous that i actually began to perfect my autograph.

I wanted to be famous not for the money all though it was a perk and not for any egocentric reasons you might think.
I wanted to be famous cause i wanted to have a positive effect on people's lives and make a difference that would be remembered.

To be the hero others aspired to be . To be the one looked up to and admired. Respected and not feared but honored.

I didn't want to commit acts of heroism or cure disease i just wanted to be an inspiration to someone that maybe becomes the person to cure cancer. Or the one that rescues people from a burning building. Not that i would not do those things myself. But not all people react to things like that if not inspired to do so. Maybe this doesn't make sense to anyone else but that's ok . 

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