Thursday, March 30, 2017

Trump's send USA to hell in a handbasket

James Saling
Economy of the next five years

           The United States economy once once referenced by a former presidential candidate Ross Perot with this analogy. “The economy is like peanut butter . If you feed it to a horse it will look like he is talking.” So what a person ciphers out of that is certainly up for debate and its meaning could vary from one person to the next.  With the new president reality TV star Donald Trump in office the thought of where the economy might be over the next five years even on a local scale .
       While it's not easy to predict things especially like the stock market or what the next “big thing” will be it is however easy to see things do not seem to be going in a positive direction equally for all income brackets.
     Over the next five years it seems like the ones with wealth will grip even tighter to their money and seek to gain even more to continue their cushy easy low worry lifestyle . In the lower income classes however the struggle to keep afloat will be much greater causing more havoc on the economy and even more violence depression drug use and so on which will most likely lead to a breakdown of lower class societies and lead to eventual breakdown of the entire country .
           Will this happen in the next five years ? Well probably not to this extreme but everything has a foundation and it seems the foundation for the imminent fall of this country was payed quite some time ago.  So what's next on the agenda of those who are waiting for this to happen ? Time with tell and someone will pay . If they can afford to that is. 


          I have always loved the written artwork of poetry. In most of our lives poetry to some degree has had its affect on us. All out favorite songs are just forms of poetry set to music.  That alone is a major source of inspiration . So I really have hoped that I could someday write something so special that it would be remembered and inspire for generations to come.  
     One of my all time favorites has some religious implications to it . I am not a Christian and actually I am not far from what can be called an Atheist . However the poem I am referencing is called “Footprints" . I began writing poetry at a young age while inspired by this poem that had an unknown artist . This tearful happy message within the poem had me inspired to write poetry and with that in mind this poem was one of the very first I ever wrote and it was called “The Land Above” .

The Land Above
The land above oh how it is so high .
I am a dreamer and my thoughts carry me away.
Just to know what it would be like for I too wish I could fly.
To the highest mountain tops that touch the blue sky.
To be like those birds with wings spread.
Like artists of the air as they float and glide.
Or perhaps like the birds that are able to sing.
With such sweet sounds of love.
How great it must be on that land above.

              So bare with it i mean i wrote this when i was six years old so i know it sounds a little magoosh. As i have gotten older i have to say that i have adopted quite a few favorite writers and poets. None that you might come to expect me to say though. I am proudly not a cliche fan of Hemingway . Nor do i find any interest in being a bandwagoner and say i'm a fan of betty friedan. However i have in fact read Feminine Mystique. I have a good admiration for D.C.Andrews for creativity and originality, I am also a fan of Molly Ivins whom i reference to as “The Written Renegade” . I naturally like the writings of former professional wrestlers i grew up watching such as Ric Flair , Shawn Michaels and New York Times 26 run best seller Mick Foley’s Have a Nice Day. I have never been a real Shakespeare fan and i will end this blog entry with the reason why .

“Because artistic poetry is really easy to fake…….when thy sentences thus no f****** sense make!”

Thanks for viewing my blog and I will post another original i wrote in my glory pre-teen years next time! 

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

This is going to suck.

I can't speak for everyone but I know I truly genuinely hate when I have a day coming up that is like two or three days away and I know it's going to suck ass.  I can't do anything about it or prevent it but it's coming and it's unavoidable.

My 3 most memorable wrestling matches I ever had

My 3 most memorable wrestling matches I ever had were

 APW GYM WARZ Aug 1998 "Mack Daddy " Jimmy Ripp vs . "Vicious"Vic Grimes (hardcore rules)

 "legends of wrestling" show by earthquake ferris when I wrestled Chris Cassanova in front of my entire family n many friends in attendance getting to see me wrestle for the first time.  2002 I think that was.

And the 3rd being
North American Wrestling
Jimmy Ripp vs. Steve "Wonder" Fain

  ( a match where I showed those who told me I was too old and didn't have it no more that I could still go and in alot of ways I looked better than I ever did )

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Is there good horror films anymore ?

What movies can still scare me .

    To explain what scares me when it comes to film or any form of entertainment I would have to say involves the writer to enable me to put myself into mix so to speak. Now I don’t mean in the sense of suspending disbelief so much as I do completely being able to relate to what is going on so much so that I have either experienced a situation similar or it is a realistic fear of something being portrayed having the good chance of being or becoming a reality.
               So in a sense it is the Thriller Genre that is more able to captivate and exploit my inner fears for it is the edge of your seat realistic situations that always have my heart racing. Now examples of that would be things like paranormal activity and the serpent and the rainbow. Thou they mave have a horror label to some I consider them thrillers and also find them to be potentially stories that could easily be thought to have the possibility of becoming reality.
          Now other films like the Exorcist have always left me unable to sleep easy but again this is another story that would not be totally impossible to be a real life incident. Improbable perhaps but not impossible. Society has become so numb to so much gore and violence in the media and t.v. now a days that the horror genre is a highly underappreciated art form that lost its appeal as to what makes a horror film so good.
          The  movie Vertigo is an example I will use. That movie was so horrifying but if you presented it to todays moviegoer they would probably call it boring and why……because they don’t have the desire to see it the way it was meant to be seen and enjoy the suspense that it provides cause most have lost touch with the idea of what a true horror classic film is made up of and why we love to be scared
       So unless a new genre of horror is invented and I don't mean the fake documentary type like "the Blair witch project " or "paranormal activity" but a genre that doesn't relay on shock scenes to make you jump then great horror films of yesteryear will only be a footnote in history and that glory will never be attained again.
          That is kind of scary thought ........OH MY GOD !

Wrote this in the first week of school as a class assignment. Back in August 2016

The Bio of James Saling (Jimmy Ripp)

                  I was born James Elias Saling. I have adopted the name Jim E. Ripp (Jimmy Ripp). I was born during Christmas time of 1973. I grew up in Santa Monica until moving to Oakland when I was 8 years old. I came to ARC at the young age of 42.
          The delay in my pursuing a college degree/experience was due to becoming a father at a young age but also due to my attempts at chasing a dream since I was 5 years old. That dream came true for me on June 18th 1998 when I made my debut in professional wrestling at a small indy wrestling show in Swiss Park of Newark California. I went on the gain an Indy Wrestling following where during one span of two years straight I was one of the most hated wrestling personalities in California and west coast.
         Now if not familiar with wrestling at all then what I was would be equal to being the best at what you do on your level and in consecutive years.
        My peak of my career or I could say my 15 min of fame came when I appeared in the movie Beyond the Mat ( a wrestling documentary movie made by Barry Blaustein). Following that I began to travel all over the US and some parts of Canada and Mexico with a highlight of appearing  at a show called “Legends of Wrestling” where in front of 7500 people including my two kids and my entire family I main evented and stole the show .
          I came to ARC cause I was influenced by my brother who has obtained a AA degree from here and speaks so highly of all the staff of faculty he had courses with and those who also helped him along his way during his time here. I don’t really have a specific major but my career as a pro wrestler being over for the most part I still have high hopes of making it to the WWE someday which is the biggest pro wrestling entertainment company on the planet.
        Thou I am no longer a canidate to be a performer in the ring I now seek the chance to become a storyline writer with that company. Of all my travels and wrestling appearances it was always pointed out to me by my peers and handlers that I always had more of a gift of gab and a knack for creating gimmics and storys for wrestlers to carry out and had a good connection with what kept people coming back and filling the seats.
      So that being said I want to give that like I have everything else I have ever done in my life the best shot I can take and I want to have all the possible tools that can make that dream a reality as well. That is why I am taking this course and many like it. I feel that anything and everything I can learn as it pertains to writing or journalism or anything that can be related to the goal I have so when combined with my 15 years of wrestling experience I figure I have the best chance to see this dream all the way through.
        I do have other fall out plans and hopes as well as other interests too. I am a dance enthusiast. Not ballet or anything artistic but I can dance like those younger club goers and will frequently patron dance night clubs to enjoy showing them up on the dancefloor. I have also in the past few years discovered a love for and high skill of playing poker.
       My current employment is with IHSS as a care provider for disabled and autistic people. That is something I get a lot fulfillment from that I am making a difference to someone and doing some good in this world.
       So no matter where life takes me or what path I end up on I will always take the approach that dive year old boy inside me did when I pursued becoming a pro wrestler. I will never give up trying to improve on the best version of me and most certainly always be happy and proud of the best me I am able to be .
Thank you for reading and enjoy every minute of your life's path. No matter how bumpy the ride may get.

-James"Jimmy Ripp"Saling

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Ok dammit I'm shameless

Ok shameless is got to be the single funniest show on television if u haven't seen it then as they say in the beginning of every episode . What the fuck is your problem then ! 

There I said it since I know some of you are thinking it anyway.  

I found that in my experiment I don't actually care

I wrote an article discussing blogs and how they are written for the wrong reasons now a day . Jus to get likes or shares or viewed so one can obtain that internet celebrity delusion even though I don't have a shit load of views etc. I found i don't check frequently to see if those numbers rose nor do I stop writing what I want when I want just cause they have not.  I don't write a blog to cater to those who will like and share I write about what is on my mind or want to share and or something I watched or heard or whatever just cause I want to . Not caring if it will improve my views etc . I like me . And don't need internet celebrity's delusions to validate that.

My thoughts on watching the women's movement documentary

Watching the women's movement documentary just reminds me how few examples are available now a days of people standing out who are trying to make a difference and change the world . Trying to make the world see the cause that they believe in.  it seems to me that the motto of the state of mind of people is “If it doesn't affect me then why should i give a shit” mentality. I don't see anyone like the women shown in this documentary anymore. Where are they? Where have they gone? Is there nothing left to fight for anymore ? seems like there are a lot of couch potato coaches that don't want to bring their sideline ass to the front line. One person can actually make a difference in this world and what's stopping anyone from being that one person? I guess by sitting here typing this instead of practicing what i preach is no better . Well hey who's with me? Lets go change the world for the better ! 

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Know the difference

The difference between an allegation and a question is this  simple . You answer the question .you ignore the allegation if it isn't  true.

Hey what happened ?

What happened ? Females went from being called girls to being called women.  And men went from being called men to boys.  Oh well

Saturday, March 18, 2017

The no TV. test

Media & Mass Communication
Prof. Johnson

My “No T.V.” Experience
The joy that it gave me.

(Brought to you with no commercial interruptions )

By : James Saling

James Saling   Page - 1
Mass Media
Prof. Johnson W/C:954
(No T.V.)

          There was certainly a time when I look back that I consider myself a television junkie . So I'm a recovered couch potato . Now to examine what role the media outlets and television play in my life. I have grown accustomed to living with very little television in my life over the past few years . I don't care much for the programming diarrhea that airs on T.V. I have probably five or six shows I truly like to watch regularly . So I'm what I call very moderate watcher .  The times and days of the shows are irrelevant because between my 50 hour work week and school it's rare that I even get to watch anything when it airs live .

                   I do have a pattern of watching mindless comedies for entertainment mainly . I have show preferences like “Family Guy” and “South Park “ . Both are ract animated comedies.  I also enjoy the occasional “America's Got Talent “ show because I used to watch that show every week with my late mother . Lastly I am a huge fan of wrestling since birth and being a retired pro wrestler I am also an avid fan cause a lot if the big stars today are guys I worked with throughout the years I that “before they were famous” times .

                 The unfortunate part of that is I usually have to watch these shows on my phone and as we know that is just murder on the eyes . I don't have the simple luxury of a television at my disposal not a private room to watch one in anyway . I live in a five bedroom house with 7 other people . I have been forced to adopt the front room at my bedroom . No door no privacy . Even worse , lifts our r.v. off and quiet after 11 p.m. However being in the front room I get disturbed by everyone from the ones off work at late hours coming home to the early risers that prepare for work or school at four or five a.m. So I deal with all that and dishwasher noise mid night snackers and the reasons I am denied private , quiet or alone time .
            I face so many distractions in a single day it's almost not believable.  Start with my brother who is a delusional schizophrenic . So he has a tendency to wander around the house and so I have to deal with him turning on every light in the house , him attempting to cook and his conversations he has with those that are not there . Then you factor my sister  , her daughter and her fiance and her daughter were acting in strange manners. The

James Saling      Page - 2
Mass Media
Prof. Johnson
“No T. V. “

monopolize the entire 500 gigabytes of the hard drive and  that because of you  having a honest man inside you. I have  idea that could be.

                       Next is my other brother who when in the reach of a  television remote will turn the channel to the Syfy network and oddly lose the remote refusing to change the channel and half the time not even watching the dam t.v. Then there is my son who is an avid gamer.  When he is in possession of the television he has his online playstation 4 system online . Thinking of getting a chance to watch r.v. when this is going on is very naive and delusional . Lastly is my cousin Rachel . She will play the music channel on usually either reggae music or some classic Mozart or Chopin . So even when I go ahead and attempt to view a favorite of mine on my phone I am still faced with distractions therefore unless I go somewhere secluded alone I really never get to experience quiet , private or peaceful time to enjoy any t.v. shows .
                   Taking this test to not watch any media outlet was not very difficult whatsoever .In fact it made it clear to me that I desire to watch television even less that I originally thought . . As for the the gals of time I used to enjoy television. I now find myself writing a lot more.  So with one thing i give up I take up more of doing another . It is clear to me what the reasons for the shows I prefer . Now of course wrestling is a choice of my history of love for the.form of entertainment . The mindless comedy I prefer though certainly comes from the desire to not have to think , respond or problem solve in any fashion .
                 No matter whether it be t.v. or radio or anything in my world it is difficult to escape ant mass media . I really never find myself ever seeking out updates or gossip or anything like that . These factors due kill the desire to watch or view any media for me. I do feel that perhaps in a different environment with different circumstances I may feel differently about all this and have alternative answers to this query .
                 So my take on the need , or lack thereof for a media outlet are clear as day .Unless a major change occurs in my geographical and emotional situations I cannot foresee a different opinion coming anytime soon.  So until they
James Saling  - Page 3
Mass Media
Prof. Johnson
“No T. V. “

start beaming mass media directly into our brains I will simply continue to enjoy the time I get away from all media outlets when I do get them and enjoy that and the little things in life that really matter.  . 

Friday, March 17, 2017

Important update

It's been brought to my attention that some of you may have not received the memo that went out earlier this morning and the content of this memo was just to remind or inform everyone that I am in fact very funny . Those of u not receiving said memo may use this post as reference or simply respond and I will see to it that a second memo will be written up and sent out.  Thank you and have a great day.

WWE smackdown live review and rant

WWE has really dropped the ball for this WrestleMania.

This is Ripp'ed a new one and here is smackdown live review .

Aj styles opens with a promo that wasn't bad but sets up the much depreciated match between him and Shane McMahon .

Next was Natalya vs. Becky both have no star power anymore it seems.  Not the best match.  

Still no hype for wrestlemania .
Alexa bliss vs Mickie James another filler borefest.  So I will just get to the point since there is nothing appealing about smackdown.  

Aj attacking Shane while makes sense with all the stuff aj went thru and still didn't get a title shot but again don't care to see aj wasted on wrestlemania just cause Shane wants to have footage of himself working with the single best in ring performer of our time.

So Orton and Wyatt match still have no fire behind it even with the complicated back story that was near impossible to follow and was a stretch to even believe anyway .

Alexa bliss must face all the women's roster  ? Cause 2 smackdown women alone cannot carry the load ? Raw women's division doesn't have that issue.

Cena and Bella vs miz and maryse abortion in the making.  Sad to see the miz and his great heel work wasted like this. I'm done with smackdown this week after That little bitch Elsworth had the nerve to call himself the Mack daddy I was ready to give up on WWE for a while. Until next then this has been Ripped a new one . And it's like this James Elsworth you no shell turtle piece of shit.

“ I am the straw that stirs the drink.  I am the heat machine . I'm the twisted heel with sex appeal your favorite human highlight reel . I may look half the size but I am twice the man and I am still talking shit . Elsworth you bitch …..I am the “Mack Daddy” Jimmy Ripp 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

WWE Ripp'ed a new one.

WWE blog entry

Ok let me start off by saying I simply do not like the way the WrestleMania card has been tossed together.  
Top to bottom it appears to be just a collage of list direction in the way of true good storylines.

Nevertheless Monday night raw was another slight disappointment . I like the Jericho that we are seeing on TV.  Looks like the guy who loves what he does a Jericho I haven't seen since the times or him and the rock sharing a microphone and getting pops at Stephanie's breast and hoe persona expense.  

Now I loved the idea of why Shawn michaels was out there to speak to Roman reigns however if the match at the mania is not booked to where the undertaker beats the humble into him ( storylines wise) then even with a heel turn u r not gonna see the fans boo him for any reason other than when it started with his failed wellness test. Heel or no heel that is not good heat.  Just for fun check my next blog of “how I'd book it ( the roman reigns falling empire )  . Back to raw .
So Jericho gives a vintage promo and plugs the match with him and k.o. at mania .

Then there was the woman's match that teased a Sasha heel turn again with a roll up win holding the tights in Dana who the queen Charlotte began to chastise for losing again and Dana began beating Charlotte all over the ring. Great heat and chants for the mostly unnoticed Dana.  The triple threat women's title match for  mania stands to steal the show most likely.

So mick foley was ordered to fire someone by the end of raw this is the heel turn of Stephanie once again. So when the hardcore legend told Steph she she be the one fired after a shouting match our game triple h the long story short triple h began to beat down mic after taking Mr socko. Then Seth Rollins came out and he and the king of kings at it but triple h got the best if it and thus the stage is set for the two of them at WrestleMania  .

Kind of somewhat stagnant raw but it did work on the hyping of WrestleMania.  So until next time This has been Ripp'ed a new one !

How I'd book it roman reighns

How it'd book it …
“The roman reigns empire falling”

Roman reigns has been faced boos and dislike not sense being at forced feed to the WWE universe that was never the problem.  The problem was he failed a wellness test and was looked at in a negative light and sense then much like anything else trending most just hate or dislike him without having a valid point of reason. Behind it   “I just don't like him “ is the common respHow it'd book it …
“The roman reigns empire falling”

Roman reigns has been faced boos and dislike not sense being forced feed to the WWE universe that was never the problem.  The problem was he failed a wellness test and was looked at in a negative light and sense then much like anything else trending most just hate or dislike him without having a valid point of reason. Behind it   “I just don't like him “ is the common response. So that being said where do u go with that and how do u book it ?

My thoughts on this like anything else with one exception. ( That exception being John cena ) instead of avoid deny delude I always say embrace embrace embrace .

So the fans hate him they boo him   they chant thank you stroeman when Braun stroeman leaves him laying in he ring.  How  do u make a guy who has some in ring ability with no mic skill and a fan haters following work for ya to make him relevant and not a ratings killer .

Simple feed him to the biggest dog in the yard right ? No ? Well they think this will work with taker and him at mania ? Heel turn him and do taker dirty somehow and get heat ? Nope not gonna work .

I think a little different than alot of people when it comes to booking things.  

So here was what I felt like a good direction for reigns woulda been.  

I don't know what he is like behind the scenes as far as his ego goes but if u look at the success of hi fellow shield members and it doesn't add up when they all got the same push it's because some people know what to do with the chance they are given . So with reigns here is the course of action that needed to be taken.

When stroeman faced him he should have been then that taker should have interfered with that match so to speak. And when he goes nose to nose with stroeman he would chokeslam Braun and get reigns disqualified. Reigns could then come in and hit taker with the Superman punch only to have taker not sell it for much at all and then when reigns realizes it halfway up the ramp n taker points at the mania sign and gives roman the throat slit motion.  Thus making reigns the heel for mania and begins the story of him and taker . Before that or beyond that I'd have o see the outcome to continue with his direction and what the mania match result should be .insure. So that being said where do u go with that and how do u book it ?

My thoughts on this like anything else with one exception. ( That exception being John cena ) instead of avoid deny delude I always say embrace embrace embrace .

So the fans hate him they boo him   they chant thank you stroeman when Braun stroeman leaves him laying in he ring.  How  do u make a guy who has some in ring ability with no mic skill and a fan haters following work for ya to make him relevant and not a ratings killer .

Simple feed him to the biggest dog in the yard right ? No ? Well they think this will work with taker and him at mania ? Heel turn him and do taker dirty somehow and get heat ? Nope not gonna work .

I think a little different than alot of people when it comes to booking things.  

So here was what I felt like a good direction for reigns would been.  

I don't know what he is like behind the scenes as far as his ego goes but if u look at the success of hi fellow shield members and it doesn't add up when they all got the same push it's because some people know what to do with the chance they are given . So with reigns here is the course of action that needed to be taken.

When stroeman faced him he should have been then that taker should have interfered with that match so to speak. And when he goes nose to nose with stroeman he would choke slam Braun and get reigns disqualified. Reigns could then come in and hit taker with the Superman punch only to have taker not sell it for much at all and then when reigns realizes it halfway up the ramp n taker points at the mania sign and gives roman the throat slit motion.  Thus making reigns the heel for mania and begins the story of himand taker . Before that or beyond that I'd have o see the outcome to continue with his direction and what the mania match result should be . 

What would I change of my city .

Id start with changing what I find wrong about myself.  Change has to start from within and before i could see fit to change anything about anything or anyone I'd have to truly be sure about  my own flaws and imperfections on myself or my opinions and values .I could not come to a decision abruptly on changing something about sacremento itself simply because who am I to decide something needs changed.

Assuming I had to pick something about Sacremento I would  want to make it a hometown for an NFL franchise.  In a state capitol that has soccer minor league baseball NBA but there isn't much of a football presence here . There is plenty of sites that could easily work to build a stadium at and the revenue that an NFL team could generate could only help for sure.

Revised Word artistry

The idea of being a blogger is about having a passion so much for the topic that it literally shows in the writing.  If it is good, true and from the heart, then even the most unlikely reader will show interest.

It seems like being a blogger has become an art form that has lost its way It’s been replaced with an ego driven outlet sacrificing the writing to obtain as many views,likes and shares as possible.

A blog traditionally is a person having such a love for, knowledge of,strong view about or educated favoring or opposing arguments on a subject or a topic that they write a blog about it.

When this is the case, it really shines through in the work. This can make it easy to get into the person's blog and become a loyal reader.

Some can write so well in this form that they are able to attract a reader who may not even care about the topic.

Social media has put so much stock in how many likes, views, retweets, mentions and friends you have that some base their own value on this.

Those with high numbers in these categories seem to get this false sense of celebrity. When this is the case it also shows in the work of the writer.

A blog writer is meant to use their outlet to vent or praise or rant and rave. If others found the same passion in the blog they read the likes, views and praise would surely follow.

The false sense of celebrity offered by these social media outlets is transparent and superficial.

This induces delusional thinking. Realistically most that follow these bloggers will lose interest in the blog if the content isn't genuine and from the heart.

So being a  writer or artist is much different than being nothing more than an internet celebrity.  

Meanwhile the blog that has content that is truly from the heart of the writer will write no matter what the amount of likes and shares.

To them it isn't that which measures their worth to them.  

He overflowing toilet full of mindless superficial garbage that clutters the internet trending fizzzles out eventually. However to contrast and compare great literature of yesteryear has stood the test of time and in the digital age it's likely those that write with passion will too.

So all things considered the term blogger can be kept by the types that have overtaken the idea and ruined it.

The true passionate blogger can be referred to as what they truly are which can be describe as an artist.

With a genuine passion for what they are blogging about, and all the factors that make a good blog due to the writer's heart she or he puts into it, a blogger can be a word artist.

For the ones that do not write with that kind of passion, not doing justice to topics and original premise of what blogging was originally all about makes it feel like a lost artform.

Passion isn't taught. It's inside us all and perhaps the argument can be made that some just have not discovered their passion yet.

The written word throughout history has at times changed the world. What if something  that powerful were put in the wrong hands ? 

Monday, March 13, 2017

do i even aspire to do anything anymore that would be called a dream

What i dream about the most and hope to accomplish

With what i have accomplished i am never afraid to chase a dream but i am running out of dreams and hopes as the years go on and im getting discouraged that i will ever have that one comfort zone of life that i aspire to have

An all about you questionnaire !

Here goes:
Skydive - yes

😷 Surgeries...yes

🏥 Broken bones... Yes

🔫 Shot a gun... Yes

😕 Quit a job... Yes

✈️ Flown on a plane...yes

🚙 Driven 100mph...yes

🚁 Rode in a helicopter...yes

🌠 Gone zip lining... No 👍
🍼 Watched someone give birth...yes

🏈 Been to an NFL game... No
🇨🇦 Been to Canada...yes

🚑 Ridden in an ambulance..yes

🏦 Visited Washington D.C... Yes
🌞 Visited Florida..yes

🗻 Visited Colorado...yes

🇲🇽 Visited Mexico... yes

🎲 Visited Vegas...yes

🌴 Visited

🍔 Eaten alone at a restaurant...yes

🎤 Sang karaoke... Yes

🎿 Been downhill skiing no
🎼 Ability to read

🚵 Rode a motorcycle..yes

🏇 Rode a horse... yes

🏥 Stayed in a hospital..yes

💉 Donated blood..yes

⛺ Slept outside...yes

🚗 Driven a stick shift... yes

🚤 Driven a Boat...yes

🐌 Eaten

👽 Seen a UFO... Yes

🚢 Been on a cruise... Yes

⛽️ Run out of gas..yes

🍣 Eat Sushi... yes

👻 Seen a ghost.. Yes

Seen a grown man satisfy a camel - no

Had nameless no speaking sex with a woman i didn't know on a Bart train - yes

Had a dream come true good or bad - yes both

Filled out one of these dumb questionnaires more than twice : yes so on that note.  
 (Duces ,three if ya need em and if u don't then read between the the lines !

Hold your finger down and select copy. Then go to status and paste. Change the answers and post to your wall. I want to know!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Show reflection of some of my wrestling career

An awesome new pill I hear works great !

Awe.  Ok. Well never the less I was initially bothered by the incident then I said to myself
.....Self......Take ur pill
Now available. Maximum strength 200mg Fukitol . With Fukitol you can handle it all. Side effects may include loss of hearing loss of feeling numbness do not take Fukitol if in a relationship conversations cause inhabitions can lead to long term commitments and loss of personal space life n friend ties. Ask ur Dr if u are dealing with enuff bs to take Fukitol women who are dealing with less than two haters and ain't with a bitch man should not take Fukitol may cause increased in frequency erections in men and should be taken only with available quantities of condoms . Fukitol can lead to loss of breath dizziness and even death in morons around you when u take it. Consult a doctor to determine if u are mentally unstable enuff to take Fukitol ask you Dr for samples today 200 mg Fukitol available at all your local pharmacy and on the dark web at the Fukitol web site.   Be free to say u love it all with Fukitol.

i dunno what to think

not sure where i went wrong but i am pretty sure it was when i started thinking.

Just a thought between lies n the truth

Instead of kissed with lies or slapped with truth couldn't I pick sucked on with theorys ?

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Personal rant I wrote a long while back.

I admit the days at times can appear as though they're going to be hard as hell or suck real bad but don't give your day or anybody trying to affect it the power to be able to you might say that's easier said than done but it is easily done stand up dig you feet into the ground and say nope not letting this s*** happen ain't nobody f****** up my good day or good time repeat 2 yourself enough until you believe it and don't let anybody get in your way of having a good day a good time and a positive outlook about it is that letting them take you out of your character who you really are and you never want to let anybody do that

What hurts the most ?

What do you do when you are sitting in the back of a room and you go unnoticed then ⤵they proceed to have a pow wow doing nothing but making fun of u not realizing you are there listening.  Then add in two of the main ones doing it have acted to your face like u were very respected and appreciated by them. What do u suppose to would do then ? How would u react ? Comment or message me I'm curious .

Women's history month .

Women’s History Month Article
James saling

WC : 521

March begins women's history month and even though things like equality are still an issue in today's society it is important not to forget those women throughout history who shaped and changed the world of today .
Women are mentors , leaders , voices , inspirations , role models and don't forget givers of life .

There are so many examples of all these dating back to the beginning of civilization when the topic of great women in history is discussed.  

Names like Sappho who is one of the first known female writers .
Cleopatra ,the once great female ruler of Egypt.

Susan b. Anthony who was a huge activist against slavery.  

Emmeline Pankhurst , a British suffragette who dedicated her life to promoting women's rights .
Rosa Parks who was the amazing civil rights activist whose memorable refusal to give up her seat on the bus is believed to lead to some of the most significant civil rights legislation in history .

Betty Friedan ,the famed author of the book “Feminine Mystique” and advocate for women's rights in her time.

The list goes on and on .

Here at ARC there are many women who can easily be put in annals of history as difference makers .

Jaine Sferrozzo is studying to become a dental hygienist  and she has an on the fence opinion on the possibility of her having a hand in changing the world.

“ I have no delusions that as a dentist i perhaps will not have a hand in changing the world however I can be responsible for the perfect smile the one who does will have when they do.” said Sferrazzo .

“My grandmother was a no nonsense tough woman who took no bs from anyone and she was always my role model. I have missed her a lot since her passing”
English Professor Karen Devaney is a woman of many great traits. A dancer, an author , a thespian and terrific mentor and role model .

“When i was in college i had a professor that took me into her office and told that she loved my writing and that i needed to be published  and this was a professor that i truly respected. It truly brought tears of happiness to my eyes. “ Said Devaney

“ I can only hope that i may have that kind of influence on the young minds i get to teach. Hoping that long after i'm gone young women and people in general will find good in all i did and try to carry out the same goals of making a difference in this world.”

Professor Alan Miller teaches “Race and Gender in the Media” here at ARC . He spoke of a woman who was a personal favorite writer of his .

“Molly Ivins was a reporter and an author and broke barriers with her work” said Miller

The groundbreaking female journalist and author was dubbed  “The Written Renegade” .

“Her book titled “Molly Can't Say That …..Can She?” I have read numerous times and she was always someone I admired and whose work I really enjoyed .”

Women's history month being in full swing it is important to remember , acknowledge and honor the women throughout history who have changed the world and continue to do so .  

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Will there be a social media rehab center eventually ?

Hello everyone ! 

I am suppose to take a stand on whether or not this research is good for society and the pros and cons of it. Well my problem with doing so is the whole idea that there sadly is a need for the study at all. Addiction comes in so many forms and we are fed to believe that no matter what the addiction is ......Addiction = bad ! 
 While in more than I care to count ways addictions are usually  with negative effects . Suggesting that one can be so addicted to social media that they display mannerisms similar to that of a person withdrawing from drugs is very unsettling . My take on addiction when having negative effects is simply a sign of someone allowing themselves to be weak minded and therefore I find it difficult to empathize in these cases. I can't live without oxygen . I cannot live without food and water . I am pretty sure our ancestors lived on very little more . So with the added luxury's we have in our everyday lives . It is important that no matter how enjoyable convient or addicting anything is it is important to stay grounded in the idea of your were jus fine before Facebook so it's very likely you would be just fine without it. While this is a concept that can produce alot of pros and cons.  I have one pro to list and that is.  " With social media google and so on youth at a way younger age to now has access to so many  outlets of information and so on that they would never had  access to  25 years ago or less even.  There is information that can be reached and info about almost anything  so really this should be a generation or the most well informed and enlightened and educated human beings . The one con I have .... Sadly it isn't . 

Thank you for taking the time to read and please check out my blog at 

Until then my fellow Americans I cannot confirm or deny that I confirmed or denied anything.  I am Jimmy Ripp and I approve this message ! 

Jimmy Ripp 
"I am the straw that stirs the drink " 

Monday, March 6, 2017

The konerko art gallery

I found the artwork at the Konerko Gallery very amazing. To be able to view great artwork with so much history behind it. The thing I enjoyed most was hearing about the artist who displayed a few of her favorites  along with a few of her collection . She  produces paintings frequently at the age of 94. Think of that that's nearly a century of experience life pain triump tragedies love loss travel and so much being all channeled into this artwork of this amazing woman the history you could really get in  just one afternoon of conversation with someone who  has that much of a story to tell man that'd be awesome

Whats my favorite scary movie.

If I were to  define what kind of movie genre scares me I'd have to paint a picture to explain it. When it comes to film books or storytelling in general I need to be able to put myself into the mix so to speak. I don't mean so much to suspend  disbelief more so than I do completely put my mind into the situations and occurrences during the story. So in a sense its the thriller genre  that best describes what kind of entertainment puts fear into me therefore it's the movie book or story of any nature that instills the feeling that this tragedy or dangerous and life-threatening situation or series of events can has or may have the potential to have a real-life occurrence. Those are the type of movies and  so on that keep me up at night with the lights on and having a need to not be alone with any uncomfortable silence or nerve-wracking Eerie noises.

The story of Hugh Hefner

Hugh Hefner or Hef as he liked to be called was the mind behind the publication known as playboy.  Considered to be the exploitation of women by feminist groups but 
Thought  of much differently by fans of the publication without a doubt Playboy magazine had a huge impression on society and stamped itself on US history and pop culture.

A question since it's first Inception is whether the magazine is a collaboration of female beauty or the exploitation of women. It can also be suggested that it caused a program images to the standard of what it is to be beautiful and saying that you if you aren't up to these standards then you are not relevant to those who are. In the same argument it can also be said that the magazine served as a platform for women to be more open and free to express their sexuality. Hef himself stated his  magway of celebrating the female body and the beauty and that a woman is to be cherished. Financial Freedom were gained   when he targeted a demographic of consumers who were perfect for the magazine. Negative or positive one's perception is simply just a matter of personal taste an opinion.

Whether you call that literature porn smut or just a magazine it was a time when women were still very constricted and forced into conservativeness. So if the magazine exploited men this way would there have been a similar outrage or a typical double standard implemented. This all coincides with the sexism misogyny and stereotype that will always be a touchy subject between Mars and Venus if you get the trope. Much like the guy who has had 100 sex  partners and is considered cool manly and admired by his peers where is the woman doing the same thing is quite the opposite. Men find her to be faulty or used and her peers girlfriends be little her and verbally destroy her reputation attempting to make her disliked as much as possible. So is this magazine the root of all this? Is it really fair to suggest that? With all things considered it is easy to believe Hugh Hefner was a Visionary who was opportunistic and had no bad intentions and acting on the business ventures came up with. People do all things all the time with the hopes or intent game well same and more. A lot of times these people are doing so by things that can be questionable morally and not to mention the people they could be hurting in the tragedy they could be exploiting as well to do so.
. Find you no record of any Playboy model ever came forward complaining of abuse harassment or blackmail during their modeling work no model has ever food or claimed sexual assault in any way shape or form that has ever work for you Hefner is he just lucky or does he run a respectable business and treat women with the upmost respect? Has someone ever Casanova was still a hopeless romantic who was in love with the idea of being in love. His love of women also became his way to make a living which led to the Dynasty and lifelong Financial Security and a job he loved to do. Who wouldn't want to go to work every day doing what they love and get rich doing it in the process we should all be so lucky.

If trees could talk . ....

If trees could talk they would tell us to stop using them and are dumb cliches no more dumb questions like if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it does it still make a noise please stop with the money don't grow on trees exploding one of our shortcomings we do have a set of new laws you must follow a wish for us to continue providing paper shade and so forth we are suffering from the irony that we live much longer than you humans you get more than us in every aspect whether it be sun ring or just recognition. Job well done you humans take it all and if you're not careful we might just take it back.

Faces of fear column #5

Faces of fear part 5
(Getting old )
James Saling
WC 440

This is part five in my series about fear and brings me to a fear of something almost everyone has to face eventually and that is getting old.  

     Longevity , healthy eating habits exercise , regular doctor check ups and proper rest. These are all things we are encouraged to do even at a young age .

      These kind of habits if not instilled into a person at a young age will be very hard to developer in someone much older.  Can't teach old dog new tricks theory can apply here.

     Sadly when your young you may not think much of the habits being pushed on you and perhaps may just feel like you're the exception and don't have to worry about things like that.

    Next thing you know you are 50 years old and in need of several check ups you do not want to have and possibly even a procedure (minor surgery) that puts a scare in you .

    I know there are many great things to enjoy with age. Bingo , senior discounts everywhere and better insurance rates.  

    All joking aside though I know wisdom , life experience and respect are some of the earned rights you have earned in older age .

    My fear of getting old is not in the process but in the eventual possible needs that may incur . Such as not being able to work will my social security be enough to maintain independent living . What if an inability to care for myself arises and 24 hour care is needed. What I'd dementia or possibly alheimers begins to set in. Who will look after me ?

     How will able to afford decent healthcare . What will I do to make my final arrangements not put a severe strain on my loved ones financial situation?

      Will I have anyone even be there in my final hours and how scared will I be when that time comes anyway?

    Will I have had a bucket list and completed it as well ?

    This is another fear I cannot for see getting over and yet it is an inevitable future.  

     I am scared to death as if it was a bug crawling up my leg and wanting to climb a tall ladder to get away from it knowing if my lover sees the sissy side of me she will leave me and I will be heartbroken and I will face growing old alone.
(See what I did there ? If you have read this column since the beginning you will. If you haven't ….what are you waiting for. )

Don't take life too serious…………..You will never make it out alive ! 

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Simplify it and it all gets easier !

“Simplest Terms”
(Simplify it and the world becomes easier!)

       If I told you that 2+2=4 you would agree I'm sure.  What about if I said 1*2+2*1÷2*20-16=4. Did I lose you ? Well with the math problem in mind there is no way to deny that the first way and shorter math equation was far more easy to deal with right ? So why not make everything in life as simple as you can ? It would be quicker more accurate and less chance or confusion.

       If you have been in a relationship then it is likely that you have heard your partner say “we need to talk”. When hearing this certainly there is a great percentage of outcomes where by the end of said talk the one being told this still had no idea what the talk was about .
    As reported by Lifehacker  media feed a study by the university of Chicago shows that 30% higher success rate amongst men and women who had more positive behavior and better communication skills held jobs longer , maintained more meaningful friendships and had less intimate relationships end badly.  

     Communication is thought to be a key element in anything like relationships,work places and most life situations. So let's use an example . You have an issue with your lovers hygiene . You say to them “ honey your breath is foul”. Odds are they would be clear on what was bothering you and you could act accordingly.

    Now let's take the beat around the bush approach to the same thing.  Example “ honey I need to discuss the inferior efforts being made on your part when it pertains to your inability to see and face an issue in regards to your dental hygiene practices and recognize your shortcomings that suggest you have no regard or respect for me . Therefore it is having a negative and detrimental strain on my personal sex drive causing me to have intimacy issues making us drift apart and want different things in romance and love. “

     Okay how long ago did you stop listening ?

      Patrick Spencer of the Harvard business review reported a study that involved 7000 + participants regarding consumers shopping for a product. The easier to gather info on the product weighed heavy in the decision to purchase . 86% of products that made the purchase journey simple were more likely the chosen ones when time to check out came .

    A test done by PSYBLOG produced simple results. Hnefripitrom or Magnalroxate, which sounds to be a more dangerous and unhealthy food additive?  Magnalroxate , which is more pronounceable made the 67% average of the participants equate simple with safer. Well to curb your enquiring minds , neither is a real word or a food additive whatsoever .

       (Oppenheimer 2005) performed a survey asking those  who assisted to read college essays . It was a landslide of readers who when came across papers with fancy language , convoluted sentences and gratuitous use of words were considered to have a lower level of intelligence as opposed to the writers who kept their essay simple direct and to the point.  
      Society is so concerned with being politically correct and careful of others feelings.

   According to webMD in 1977 the term post traumatic stress disorder was adopted to name what soldiers were going through after returning from war. Its original medical term was shell shock . A Twitter survey had shown out of 833 people 76.4% suggested that P.T.S.D. sounded like it was no big deal and could be handled with medication whereas shell shock seemed to have more seriousness sound to it. Now p.d.s.d. is used in so many forms that it has completely thinned out and lost its luster entirely.  

    It's all gratuitous linguistic verbal diarrhea.  Keeping it simple , blunt and to the point is really …..Um …...Simple to do .

    Society has always done this.  Take people of different races.  I mean when slavery was over black people were called black people. We all originally came from different countries. To reference everyone by the nation in which their origin is would just be too much to remember for me.  If your Chinese be that. I'd you're black be black if you're Mexican be Mexican.  America is a country that began with more diversity than anywhere in the world and over time just became more diverse.  Being Americans is a patriotic idea that never has proved to be worth committing to and if it had then we are not being diverse and employing individualism. We as a nation can be united Americans while not being forced into commitment to patriotic idealism we may not agree with.

    Now let's take another less global example to play with.  A simple task that occurs in our everyday lives. “Hey are you going to the store !? I'd love something to snack on . I don't know if I want chocolate or chips or what. Well how bout you surprise me with something to snack on .” So after a while the person you asked the favor of returns with a can of pedigree dog food . Since you have been to a liquor store you are aware of what they have in stock . So when you want to snack on something but are not simple and to the point can it be argued that you didn't say you would not want to snack on dog food?  Now say it simple and direct .”hey , I'd like a bag of cheese Doritos a Caramel snicker bar and a 20oz coke in a bottle.  Being the receipt and I will reimburse you.  If they don't have my item I picked just leave it out and don't substitute . “

     Wasn't that so much easier to deal with if you were the one going to store ?

     To test my own claims I put all my theories to the test . From 8 am yesterday morning until 11pm that late evening I held a pen and more pad and logged every single time I encountered anything that was done, said or explained in a way that could have been so much better, efficient and easier if it had just been simplified.

    97 times . That is right 97 times I logged where things could have been done said or other in a simple more easy way.
     97 times where things simplified could have left so much free time for other things and lowered the possibility for misunderstanding or errors .

    Think about it.  Still not convinced ? Try it yourself . Take just a thirty minute part of your day where you interact with people the most.  Log on a piece of paper how often what you heard or saw done could have been simplified in some form. When you do you will see #1- how much easier all aspects of life can be . And number #2- you will realize how you could have stopped me along time ago and asked me to simplify this . If had simplified it you would have already been done hearing my theory and onto other things . See ? Told you I was right.  You cannot argue logic ….especially if you simply don't want to.  


Countdown to fastlanes

James Saling
Prof. Devaney
Eng 101
WC 355

     So with fast lane coming up and my thoughts on it will conclude this blog I'm gonna make my WrestleMania predictions now.

WWE universal / u.s. title Kevin Owens vs. Chris Jericho

WWE world title Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton

WWE intercontinental title Dean Ambrose vs. baron Corbin

WWE tag team title raw the club vs shocking debut of the revival otherwise who cares

WWE smackdown tag team title the American alpha vs revival otherwise who cares.  

WWE woman's raw title Charlotte vs. Nia jax or Nia charlotte ,Sasha banks and Bailey in a elimination match .

Smackdown women's title Alexa bliss vs. Natalya she deserves it.  
Braun stowman vs . Perhaps a twist here and make it a raw vs. smackdown match   John Cena.

Roman reigns vs. Undertaker which makes no sense but cannot leave either off the show

Seth Rollins vs. triple h

The miz vs. Daniel Bryan

The Andre battle royal with shinsuke Nakamura surprise debut and win !

     So smackdown women's division pales in comparison to raw . With Randy Orton back in the main event of mania that ruins everything built up with AJ styles and luke Harper I feel .
        The Usos oversold and over killed the promo they cut . Tips guys louder doesn't make more believable.  

       The formula is to be a great character in wrestling is to take your true self and project that 20 times over in an exaggerated form and then animate that  on top of it. But you have to know your true self to do that first don't you think.

       Natalya vs Bella in a Falls Count Anywhere match turned out to be okay so sad that may only who is probably the single best pound-for-pound athlete on Smackdown male or female had to Forfeit her title she really came along way to earn it and due to injury had to give up going to her hometown for Wrestlemania as the women's champion.

         With that said I will post my Fastlane results and review later on this evening until next time this is been “Ripp'ed A New One” .