Monday, October 22, 2018

You choose the path

Garbage & Closet Search

By Jimmy Ripp

     You walk into a very cluttered bedroom. Facing the unmade bed in the center. It is not even fitted with a sheet. Simply covered with a ratty and torn comforter. There are clothes all over the floor. Clearly all have been worn and are dirty. There's a slight foul odor of what is surely from a pair of dirty socks.

On the left you see a closet with no doors on it. There are very few articles of clothing hanging in the closet, On the closet floor there is a unorganized pile of several shoes with one match missing. The top shelf you can see a box with the word “PRIVATE” written on the side of it.

To the the right you see a desk which is merely a multi-purpose four-legged table being used as one. There is a Cheesy old fake antique lamp on the table with a cigarette smoke stained lampshade covering it. The window behind the desk is covered by a pinned up bath towel. Underneath the desk is he small wastebasket filled to the top with papers and debris.

Do you A) Go to the closet and open the private box and investigate. B) Go to the desk and search through the wastebasket. C)-leave immediately and never returnl.

You go to closet and grab the private box and begin to search it. Inside you find photographs of the same man at different locations. Oddly there is no one else in the pictures but him. These pictures are taken from an old 35-millimeter camera rather than a cell phone camera and they were processed by photomat which dates them as old as late 1980’s. After going thru all the pictures you find nothing too unusal. It does seem a little strange to you that this person will keep that many photos of themselves with no loved ones appearing in them. Perhaps he has some sort of OCD. The box also  has some old letters correspondence with what appear to be death row inmates of a prison. You keep the letters to read later in hopes they will provide you clues into this man’s mind. There is nothing else seemingly useful to you in the box.

The wastebasket is filled to the top with papers and debris including a half eaten banana peel. As you begin to look at some of the papers. They all seem to have the same thing on them. “To Do” lists with nothing written on them except the cirlced numbers 1-20 but no tasks. There are dozens and dozens of these all crumpled up and thrown away. So far that is all that's on any of them. This man is becoming more and more strange to you.

The end ( you left what would you think option C would be) !

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