Monday, October 22, 2018

The setting of three songs

Jimmy Ripp

Prof. Danner

3 song settings

1967- “Ain't No Mountain” by : Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell

    Marisol looks forward to her workouts. Committed to staying fit and healthy she is in the gym 4 days a week. As she comes out of the locker room dressed in her favorite workout gear consisting of nothing that says fashion whatsoever she doesn't worry of the social burden placed on appearances. Marisol is only seeking to impress herself. She never has let herself down when it comes to her workouts goals.

     Her beat up grey sweatpants compliment her breast cancer awareness T-shirt with the sleeves cut off. Strapped to her left bicep is her phone which has the top 100 hits for her workout sessions.

   Setting up auto start on her workout playlist her stretching and loosening up routine begins. After a few good solid minutes of this she jumps on the stationary bicycle and begins to slowly pedal.

    “Ain't No Mountain High Enough”  begins to ring in her ear buds. As the song progresses, the speed of her pedaling increases and increases.

    Ever since she can remember this is always been her favorite song to warm up to. Getting inspired by lyrics and listening to it always gets her adrenaline pumping.

2011- “Diet , Crime & Deliquincey” by: Personal & The Pizzas”


      The Rolling Stone magazine reporter Jonanas Burger sits in the taxi as it pulled over reaching the address he requested. Hesitantly he pays the driver and exits the cab.

      He looks around at the blight that has taking place over the decades. The decay that this rural town in England has suffered is both sad and somewhat frightening.

     “The spit spot” is the name of what Jonasan would forever more refer to the club he can only describe as the devil's outhouse.

       As he enters inside the walls are all painted black with neon unreadable graffiti everywhere.

       There's a stale smell of urine that echoes In his nostrils coming from God knows what direction. He passes by the bouncer who appears to be a nodding off from clearly indulging into an unknown substance too much.  

     In to the main club area, on a stage that was clearly designed by architects who did the houses for The Three Little Pigs, stood the band that he was there to see.

     They were in mid-set and in the midst of their number one hit throughout the underground of Europe called “Diet, Crime and Delinquency”

     He quickly began to take notes in the hope that the sooner he completed his task the quicker he could leave. Overwhelmingly he had convinced himself that this had to be the last place you would want to go if you wanted to continue living a healthy life.

     As the band played and the dance floor, albeit the size of a small closet, was filled with devoted fans mimicking their best impersonation of a mosh pit.

      This was clearly a cult punk rock band and only they had quite a cult following.

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