Monday, October 22, 2018

Train but never ready

Traineded But Never Ready

By : Jimmy Ripp

CPR courses are always encouraged by everyone for everyone. As an employee of a water park it's part of the hiring process that you are certified in CPR.

The day that one of my biggest fears came to life is one I will always remember. I immediately jumped in the pool where a drowning victim was. I pulled a little child to the flat surface. Without blinking an eyelash as if it were second nature instinctively I begin CPR on the boy who had stopped breathing .After about 25 to 30 seconds which was the longest 25 to 30 seconds of my life that I have ever experienced, the boys spit out water and begin to breathe and slowly sit up. Paramedics arrived and took him to the hospital for tests and observation. 3 days later I am at work and a woman comes up to me with tears in her eyes. She says to me “you are my angel sent from heaven.” It was that little boy’s mother. “You are now forever more part of my family.”  As she stepped aside running toward me full of life this little boy who jumps into my arms and gives me the biggest hug I've ever felt.

I cannot put words together well enough to describe and explain all the emotion that ran through me from that.

Today my new little brother is turning 13 years old. My second mother has informed me and my husband that we are to chaperone him because he is going on his very first date, I said to her “Mom why do you want me to go?” Her response “they are going to dinner and a movie and you will be there that will ensure he doesn't receive any unnecessary CPR!”

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