Monday, October 22, 2018

Confessions of a bouncer fiction

Confessions of a bouncer

By : Jimmy Ripp

    The worst thing you ever have to do as a bouncer is physically remove a customer which can easily turn into a fight or worse. As a bouncer you are naturally prepared for anything regardless. You have to be.

Well nobody can totally be prepared for everything . One night I faced that one customer i couldn't prepare for. The customer was acting extremely inappropriate, clearly inebriated and attempting to not only touch the dancers in their private parts but repeatedly was trying to kiss them as well. When they did not comply the customer would proceed to call them foul names.

One dancer hit her body alarm body alarm. These  are small garage door opener looking devices that can be worn on the hip or kept in their little carry handbags. So when I got the alarm alert I rushed to the private dance room and threw up in the door.  I stood face-to-face with a very dangerous person who didn't want to be removed from the club.I took a right hook to the jaw, a left jab to the nose and an attempted kick to my groin. All of my physical ability and my fighting skills were completely rendered useless. You see this patron was a woman.

I have a very strict “Not unless hell freezes over am I going to harm a woman.” I am literally the spokesperson  against any man ever hitting a woman for any reason. However my job was to protect the dancers. I was stuck I had no idea how to handle it. So with the owner who was a woman assisting me and another employee recording the entire incident for our protection we did get the guest removed eventually the night went on.

To this day that was the single toughest customer I ever had to bounce out.

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