Monday, October 22, 2018

The metaphoric storm

Jimmy Ripp

The metaphor of my life

The storm

    The clouds above me are angry, dark and have so many bad intentions. As the thunder rolls out of them and the lightning strikes down, a persistent heavy rain fall ensues. The blistering cold whips across my body and face.

    Now soaked by the freezing rain drops I feel a ten times below freezing body temperature and begin to fight the hypothermia that is trying to overcome me. The storm I'm facing seems to only grow stronger and stronger attempting to break my will to whether it it out.

    I cannot see a break in the horrid wrath of Mother Nature. Hell I can barely manage 10 feet of visibility at all from the rainfall and unmeasurable winds. It is dark, it is scary and it seems very bleek that I will make it through this at all.

    However I will not allow this to cause me to give in for I know warmth and comforting sunny days are ahead. Sometime, somehow, someway. So I battle through the storm.

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