Monday, October 22, 2018

The transgendered issue

Transgendered . The bathroom situation is just the tip of the iceberg of the real problem.

The bathroom thing isn't just a bunch of teenagers hitting puberty and trying to get a free pass for a cheap peek at the opposite sex by being put into their locker rooms and bathrooms. These are human beings with confusion and torn emotions not to mention the misunderstanding toward them and their self discovery. It's a bunch of crap that I can't stand hearing about . How can you purposely make anyone feel like they are a freak or a shameful person. Especially a child . There's nothing wrong with them except that they feel alone and shouldn't . Anyone who tried to belittle or hurt a person that is going thru so much should be forced to walk a mile in their shoes. Let's not forget some of these kids go thru so much they attempt or even succeed in suicide.  And for what ? Cause some hypocrite bigot narrow-minded ass who ain't shit themselves made these people who are transgender feel like they are not even human beings worth caring about . This is why I pray there is a God so that when the time comes people who have made other people suffer will face suffering themselves.

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