Monday, October 22, 2018

Campus View part 1

Observe the dream that wasn't .

By Jimmy Ripp

     So there I am standing behind home plate of the Folsom Lake College Falcons baseball field. While there is no one occupying it at the moment. I can hear cheers and sounds of a full stadium of people

      Reminding me of a Time when I was a prospective ball player to be drafted into a college right out of high school. However becoming a father at age 17 and becoming a husband at age 18 that dream was derailed.

      Now I sit here at this field staring on to this diamond and I think of what future stars might racist field and shine on the stage. I can't help myself but think about what could have been for me. As a tear comes down my face I'll never regret or wish I could change becoming a father.

      I batted 1000% with two for two great kids who are my life and my everything. Nevertheless I can't help but wonder what my average would have been had I made it to the big time. I still love the game of baseball and this field brings back happy and sad memories for me. Somewhat of a bitter sweet view from the bleachers.

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