Monday, October 22, 2018

Review of speech by Warren Bow

“Guns for Teachers”

By : Warren J. Bow

Essay by : Jimmy Ripp

      The “speech to a crowd” feel to the story “Guns for Teachers” by : Warren J. Bowe is a short that is taking both irony and sarcasm in the written form and making them truly an art form.

    With ironic declarations of what a guns for teachers program could do for the economy Bowe begins the sarcastic rant exploiting the true ridiculous of the concept his feelings on it are. Bowe continues with the idea of how mom and pop small gun shop business owners stand to benefit from the boom in firearms  sales. Even going to eccentric measures that it when sounded like a too good to be true sure fire outcome was possible it should not be questioned.

      In the meanwhile it has maintained safe and comfortably the crystal ball to foresee it's a cross to bear.

        “Guns for Teachers”  pushes all the right buttons to shine like on the belief of the level of stupidity  that G3 Bowe views on this whole ordeal is with their sarcastic questions of pay raises to teachers who could be cracked shots as well as what they're can be in the way of a budget for ammunition to keep low the out-of-pocket cost to teachers to the ironic clear assumptions as a reader you'll definitely see , those in favor of the idea guns for teachers themselves become obliviouss to the satire taking place and the method the author is using to discredit those for that idea as well as humiliate them in the process.

    The serious delivery in which the speaker is reciting the speech while clearly defined as someone against guns all together & even more adds to the easy depiction of seeing an audience of people breaking into small giggles to out right LOL’s . A lawyer but atory has a smart and definitive way of not only showing the humor and sarcasm and irony but it does through the speaker in the story make it clear cut difference between the two and how powerfully useful in all communication the purposes they serve.

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