Monday, October 22, 2018

Campus View part 2

Campus View part 2

Buy Jimmy Ripp

     I'm standing here at what I call the student food court.

     When you close your eyes while standing in the middle you can hear what the TV captions call indistinct chatter. The scent of food cooking invade your nasal passages and activates your taste buds. Alerting you that its desired to eat can and will overthrow your need to.

      This is a social setting where interactions are expected. However I notice a continuity from table to table and chair to chair. All the occupants have laptops out, phones in hand and books open. Either reading from them or writing from them.

     The vast majority of students in here are working and diligently doing so. They are driven and seemingly undeterred. So there I was watching all this go on and I thought to myself “what am I doing standing here twiddling my thumbs and looking dumb for? Get to work!”

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