Monday, October 22, 2018

My conscience remains

My Conscience Remains

Prof. Danner ENGCW400

By :James “Jimmy Ripp” Saling

My Conscience Remains

                     My name is Fostor Thomas. I ain't a famous guy. I wasn't president in the United States. I never cured any diseases or nothing like that.  Just simply a Jiffy Lube employee who took a nap on his lunch and woke up to being the last human being on the planet. The great news of the world going to hell in a handbasket was openly disclosed to me by a voice narrating the play-by-play on an old tape recorder left by my side saying play me.

     I just can't seem to  be able to adjust to what I am seeing. What actually happened that an entire race of human beings disappeared in the snap of the fingers. This isn't like the Avengers where the vilian Banos has the infinity stones and is capable of that kind of power. Empty planet, empty cities, empty streets.

      According to the person on the tape recorder it it was us as humans that did it to ourselves and we didn't even get dinner before we got screwed.  

       For quite some time I did not play the tape. I feared it would cause my own Alice in Wonderland scenario. When I finally mustered up the courage to play the tape not knowing what was on it I got the gist of the story and still remained horribly freaked me out to my core. I don't know how  I am supposed to act or feel. There are no more doctors in case I get sick. There is no wife if I want companionship. No mother if I want a home cook meal. No president Trump. The

My Conscience Remains


taped message narrator stated that I and I alone was responsible for leaving a legacy of the human race.

          Completely baffled still as to how the tape recorder was placed by my side before I became the only remaining person in existence or HOW THE HELL AND WHY I WAS SPARED ANYWAY! The narrator said I must give my best rendition of the history of the human race otherwise they'll be no trace of our existence at all.  The voice also said derogatory things such as he wasn't sure if my education level would be able to demonstrate verbally the advancements the human race made in both medicine technology and the other great things that the human race was responsible for. So that any new evolution of existence can bask in the luxury of knowing our great achievements. Any life form would be lucky to discover and benefit from our great wisdom and inventions and so on .

          I'm beginning to think, thinking about what the narrator said about how great we were and how lucky any existence would be that would come after us and  if they could benefit from our greatness. Our educational system, our technology and everything that we as a human race developed. Which invoked me to think some more. See the way I remember it we never liked our own government, but never did s*** about it. We hate ourselves and blamed each other for our own self loathing. We would kill each other over passion, drugs, gang colors, religion and a million  other stupid reasons. We overindulged. We were self-absorbed,self-righteous,

My Conscience Remains


complacent and yet never happy with our environment. With no regard  ruined our planet. As an act of malice neglected our war veterans, exploited ourselves and disappointed our children. Always put down and stepped on each other always for our own personal gain. When all facts are considered  in everything it sometimes can leave very little to be proud of. Consequently having evidence of all those things does potentially make a strain on the blanket of our society’s shortcummings.

      I would  be ashamed of having my existence be remembered for murder, hate, war and crime. Unfortunately I am unable to sit here and lie and tell you how great everything was and how wonderful we were and how intelligent and advanced we were is a species.

       I imagine whomever does  discover this has to be some form of intelligent life otherwise you would not understand any of this. so to you the intelligent life form to discovery of this I am here to tell you. I'm not here to eat the apple, to die on the cross for your sins. However for some reason still unbeknownst to me I was chosen to be left behind to tale the history of the human race and all the great examples that should be followed.  

Were there great things achieved ? Absolutely ! Was there a lot of bad that went with good? No question. I am and always have been a person of honesty and integrity. So delivering a stretched truth or exaggerated examples of the human race is not something i am willing to do. When I die as we all do or did I should say , I know existence come along and finds this recording hears it and even understands it. The best thing I can tell you about the human history is this don't follow our lead ! Fight the urge! Make things up as you go along. We achieved all we did and we

My Conscience Remains


screwed it up over and over again at the same time. I can think of a great cliche that comes to mind …...”We only have the ability to appreciate things when we have lost them and only when we lost them do we cherish their true value!”  

When you were able to consistently decipher the word “art form” then you will know what to take from the human race and adopt as your own. Beyond that don't copy anything from us. We would probably only decrease and discount anything you may hold valuable!

Good luck and Godspeed.

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