Monday, October 22, 2018

G3 in the bumper sticker part 2 at writing assignment

Bumper Sticker #1

“ happens when what ?”

By : Jimmy Ripp

Driver's licenses are given out way to freely. I mean look at this guy parking job. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you supposed to fit your vehicle between the lines of a parking space. It isn't like he parked the Bentley he was driving here and doesn't want anybody parking next to him. This is a Volkswagen Bus. Identical look to one that was in early 80s model this almost like Jeff Spicoli's car in the 1980s movie “Fast Times at Ridgemont High”. It has the smell of burnt THC on top of that like Jeff spicoli's car did too. Oh and look at this bumper sticker on the back, “s*** happens when you play naked twister!”  What the hell does that even mean? The driver side door is open with the keys in the door. He must have not realized he didn't take his keys with him. This is classic! He has fake sheepskin seat covers and a skull handle for the gear shift. This owner must have hit a time warp between 1970 and 1980 and got stuck there. This bus has it all ! Shaggy carpet throughout the entire floor of the vehicle. Here is proof that he stuck in a time warp. There is two copies of Playboy magazine. May 1980 and June of 1982. Next to them here is the actual current issue of Woman's Journal! The one with Donald Trump on the front being strangled by the Statue of Liberty. There's a guy coming this way. It has to be the owner. He looks like a walking bake sale. He's got a hash oil walk. Heel-to-toe heel-to-toe, long hair hippie M.O. and I'm guessing he's going to be pretty upset that I'm in his car.

“ACTUALLY I AM !” the voice coming from behind him shouted nearly making him jump out of his shoes.

He turns around the face the one whose property has been pilfering and sees a man who is very clean-cut in his appearance. Wearing what is clearly a tailored suit in the “You can't afford it price range.

After a few exchanges of words and several apologies by the man it is discovered that the vehicle owner is the son of a Hollywood movie producer whose resume includes the movie “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” . So I guess judging a book by the vehicle is transported in his never good policy.

As for the bumper sticker……. the author of it was quoted as saying this

“if you're playing naked twister with someone then it is clearly someone you want to be naked playing twister with and the only kind of s*** that can happen to you is good s*** so if you live your life by the motto s*** happens when you play naked twister you will only allow good s*** to happen to you.”

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