Monday, October 22, 2018

The character in the chair

Jimmy Ripp


Prof. Danner

Character in the chair

      That old raggedy grey recliner on the porch of the victorian style house.  Everyday without fail that's where old man Guthry would sit. Everyday for years and years many would pass by his house . On the way to work or school, in  cars or.on foot. Countless have passed by him most likely never even knowing how name.

      He always wore a plain white t-shirt . A little musty and stained from ashes that spilled out the tobacco pipe he would puff on. He would always have the same khaki colored pants and suspenders on worth sandals but no socks. Grey haired but mostly balding and a.five o'clock shadow as if he was due for a shave.  

      He didn't speak much but always waved back to anyone who waved at him. Never would see much traffic come or go from his house . So it was clear he didn't have much family and if he did they sure didn't visit often.

      He was in his late 80’s no doubt and probably has seen it all. The stories he must have to tell. Even just from what he has seen from that old recliner on his Victorian style house porch and oh how if that chair could speak as well.

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