Monday, October 22, 2018

He cannot hear you

Unspoken goodbye

By Jimmy Ripp

Tabitha could feel the eyes of her beloved staring at her. Inside she was screaming joyful thoughts of an eternity spent with him. Her heart could express a million ways that she loved him, The words just would not come out.

His beautiful expressions of the way he loved her echoed through her ears into her soul. Jonathan sat beside her staring at her lovingly.

He held her hand as he recited the words he had written to tell her everything that was in his heart. Just in the hopes she understood every word.

“I do I do!” she said “I love you too!” Tabitha shouted from her heart.

He smiled and kissed her hand as the tears fell down his cheeks.

“Goodbye Tabitha.” he said to her as he walked away uncontrollably sobbing.

“Wait!” Tabitha exclaimed “Please don't go please I love you the same if not more!”

Jonathan could not hear her declarations of her love for him for Tabitha was not awake. Tabitha’s fight with a demon she could not overcome was over as she lay dormant in a coma from a drug overdose. Though she had now seen error of her ways, it was an epiphany that came too late for Tabitha. The doctor and nurse came into the room and removed her life support after a few heartbeats from the monitor then the line went flat and Tabitha was gone.

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