Monday, October 22, 2018

A short hair piece part 2

“What was that suppose to be?”

-A short hair piece-

By : Jimmy Ripp

       Multi neon colored track pants. If you don't know of the existing fat of yesteryear, Google it! Warning it's on a Google's top things you should never Google list.

     Follow the pants with a Jimmy Z shirt with cut-off sleeves and sporting a farmers tan. No ensemble  can be complete without the hair to match.

     Putting a visual in your mind without illustrating it is a difficult task. If you cut  a mullet length hair into somewhat of a mohawk. Then had it died bleach blonde. Now grow out 4 inch long bangs and then style it in somewhat of a surfing wave then the whole look becomes complete.

     At 14 years old, with a skateboard in hand, that's exactly what I went out the front door looking like on the first day of junior high school.

     Now how do you think the rest of the year went for me based on that?

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