Monday, October 22, 2018

A short hair piece part 1

“I thought we ate rice”

-A short hair piece-

By : Jimmy Ripp

       As all the children lined up to go into the nurse's office it was clearly a reason to worry for myself and my other two siblings.

     We had already been there once and have been discovered to have had head lice before. As my older brother whispered to my sister about us having lice without thinking and with no filter I yelled out I thought we ate rice how would it be in ourselves heads.

      So we were shipped off. Separated from all the other children and my mother had to come pick us up halfway through the day.

     Straight home we went and all three of us had to have our heads shaved bald. Great hairstyle to have an kids can be really cruel.  

     So rest assured I never heard the end of it and no one forgot about the day I had lice. I wanted to move away forever.

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