Monday, October 22, 2018

Negative traits

Jimmy Ripp


Prof. Danner

        Foster Graham III . A narcissistic chauvinist. Mr Graham does not work for he is the holder of a very large trust fund and the heir to his father's Throne of a multi-billion-dollar company.

    He doesn't like small talk nor does he like answering text messages or Instagrams. If it not be for reminders from Facebook he wouldn't remember people's birthdays either.

    You won't find him dressed in anything that is not tailor-made and rides in a limo everywhere because he doesn't feel he should walk amongst the peasants.

    To avoid sounding like your average person G3 as he likes to be called speaks with a fake accent. While he Fancy's only expensive wine this man doesn't leave gratuity at restaurants.

    Very superficial and yet thinks he's very deep. Unfortunately every single person around him kisses his ass. Believing he is the end-all-be-all and acts as though he is.

    He doesn't like to get his hands dirty. Unable to stand the idea of sweating and does not like people who do perspire.

    Not one who celebrates holidays except for his own birthday which he thinks should be a national, no a worldwide holiday.

   While Mr Graham has all the normal characteristics of a human being he lacks any traits suggesting he is a decent one.

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