Monday, October 22, 2018

The metaphoric desert

Jimmy Ripp

The metaphor for my life

Walking through the desert

    I don't know how I ended up here. Nothing but cactus, desert sand and a blistering heat. I stare into the direction I'm heading and see nothing but desert wasteland and blurry distances caused by an uncaring sun.

     I am soaked with sweat I'm dying for just a little sip of anything cold to drink. I must be leary of rattlesnakes and other dangerous animals. I cannot wait for nightfall before continuing because the danger increases and the possibility arises of a just as equally life-threatening cold that can overcome my path.

    I am weak. I am tired. I want to give up and give in. I hurt all over. My thoughts are attempting to betray my goals of survival yet I will not stop till I have escaped this nightmare terrain and environment.

    This is what has become of my life. However I will not let go of my dream that a life in a euphoric Oasis exists.

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