Monday, October 22, 2018

Trigger lines

Trigger lines

By : Jimmy Ripp

Trigger line #1

   “My mother used to have” such a malicious ambiguous sense of humor and had the insults (out of love) one-liners reminiscent of the late Don Rickles.

     She would always say if she didn't insult you then clearly she did not like you.

Trigger line #2

     He was by all laws of marriage a stepfather. A father he was not though and it was a moniker he was not capable of carrying.

    “What a jerk he always was” when he drank or indulged himself in his drug of choice which was heroin. His own self-loathing and self-destructing anger stemming from his reflection in the mirror is what he projected on others rather than facing his own demons.

     Eventually at the young age of 36 years old is abborance that constantly brewed inside him would  lead him to succumb to a self-inflicted heroin overdose.

      He died and clearly had done enough of that devil drug to ensure death would be imminent. He would no longer have to feel or cause any pain again.  

Trigger line #3

     The year that mother had attempted to gather all my friends secretly for a surprise birthday party she was coordinating for me was when it happened up.

    Until that moment it was very easy to hide my embarrassing issues. The biggest issue was my residence.

     “The house we lived in” had the look, smell, furniture, size,  structure and decoration that screamed out poor drug-infested white trash poverty low life. Nothing of which I am ok with the world thinking.

      With all my friends secretly in route to my house to throw me a surprise birthday party I simply did not know what to do.

       The rumors that will follow will consequently get me ostracized from normality and ensure me a very outcasted existence once this embarrassing issue goes public.

Trigger line #4

    She was standing there waving me to come over and talk to her.

   Chrissy was her name.

   Since puberty hit me a few months ago it made girls become cootie free tolerable acquaintances.

     Chrissy was the end-all-be-all to me. “In this dream that” was constantly incurring I was not shy or introverted. I was very confident and sparing the  details was able to do quite well in courting Chrissy.

     Outside my euphoric slumber I could only mirror that of Stan from South Park when Wendy would approach him.

      There is no mistake about it though. Christy had decided not to wait for my first move anymore and began to confess her feelings for me.

    I could no longer distinguish between this amazing reality and my perpetual euphoric dream-state and quite honestly I did not want to.  

Trigger #5

    “She got out of the car” shouting her proclamation that the search was now over. Over because in that little 1989 Volkswagen, Tara had discovered her vehicular soul mate.

    She promptly took out cash from her pocketbook and paid to obtain ownership. The taravolks duo never parted again.  

Trigger #6

    It has been how she has started her day for the past 25 years of marriage.

    It is so sure as the sun rising and she will never compromise on it for anything.

    So yeah “the first thing she wants in the morning” is a loving passionate good morning kiss from her lifelong loving husband.

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