Monday, October 22, 2018

A bartender's life poetry

That lonely bar after hours

By :  Jimmy Ripp

Sometimes I hate that feeling in this bar after hours

It makes me want to rush home just to jump in the shower

The last beer is dumped and the final shot of whiskey is gulped down

Like a fish breathing water it mimics this sound

The last person is gone in a metaphorical and literal sense

As i squeezed out my bar towel  and soak it with a good rinse

The music once echoed like off of a canyon of walls.

The bouncer removed a couple during doing dirt in the stalls.

I'm surrounded by drench soaked counters and floors.

But I guess it's better than a room full of drunks and loose whores.

The mess created as if Mother Nature had unleashed her fury.

Damn a credit card I forgot to close that tab in a hurry

I estimate my work will have me here past 3 a.m.

I tell the rest to go since I have no choice I'm staying

It's what I'm accustomed to it's just like my life story

However these empty bars ain't much different than empty beds when you're lonely.

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