Monday, October 22, 2018

Memory shorts

Jimmy Ripp

First Assignment

An Early Memory

One early memory i can recall was when i was three years old. I was at a bus stop with my sister and when the bus arrived i turned to open my mailbox to get my quarter out. My sister assuming i was right behind her proceeded to get on the bus. The driver closed the door behind her and took off not seeing me sitting there. For the next five blocks most people within a mile radius could hear my sister screaming at the driver “ You left my little brother ! Stop the bus you asterisk.” I remember running and crying and yelling as the bus turned the corner and disappeared. Then a few moments later my sister comes running back around the corner as i sat on the sidewalk crying and thinking i was never gonna see my family again.

2) What freaks me out.

Cats yawning really creeps me out. I have no clue why but they always have. There is no traumatic event in my life that caused this . Just one of those weird things.

3) Tale behind a scar.

I have a 2 ¼ inch scar over my right eye. This is from when i was a bully in high school. Now you must know what type of bully i was. I was a bully to those that i saw picking on special students , gay students , nerdy or otherwise ostracized kids. I stuck up for those who were bullied by bullying those who did that to them. The first time i assumed this role was when I witnessed 2 members of the senior football team with a student cornered whom was rumored to be a member of the gay community. I was a 8th grade 130 lbs freshman. I don't know what made me but before i knew it i was on the back of one the guys with a kokita clutch (Samoan Chokehold) causing him to turn purple and pass out. Then in the same millisecond of time it seemed like this other guy nearly twice my size proceeded to pick up a skateboard and swing it at my head. He did not miss and whether it was adrenaline or simply numberness of being knocked out while still awake and coherent i stood up with blood gushing down the side of head and screamed “YOUR TURN!” It was then that this guy showed his running back skill cause i have never seen anyone run faster. Bystanders told me that when i stood and screamed that i looked so evil that half of them are having nightmares of how my face and the look in my eyes was.

4) Bad haircut

Currently enduring that very thing.


My first day at FLC. After spending two years are ARC and being very miserable . I was very nervous and excited too. The time and treatment and so on i got at ARC would have made anyone quit school so my fear of that happening again here at FLC is already been dismissed by the great interactions i have had with everyone so far.


3 years ago i have a vicious , scary and horrible break up with my X. after 2 and ½ years of abuse both physical and mental along with constant cheating. I had finally discovered that no one deserves to be treated that way. So to put a stop to her abuse . I had her arrested and a restraining order and also moved away because i was informed that she was certainly very violent and in the physiatrist professional opinion very capable of heinous acts including certainly suicidal and definitely homicidal.

7) What i recently lost.

The thing i recently lost was in fact my mind but its ok cause i never really used it all that much anyway so i don't feel any sense of loss or separation from it.

8) Conflicted

When I was bully as i mentioned before. I always went thru this juggle of whether or not i was any better than them . I mean sure they deserved it for what they did to others but i never was comfortable with with the best course of action was when dealing with a bully.


I don't understand why this outcome happened or what possessed me to think and or attempt to overcome my fear of heights by skydiving but that is exactly what i attempted and while the reason might seem a little understandable the outcome had a 1000% opposite result. Not only did i not overcome my fear of heights by skydiving . i developed al new issue that causing me panic attacks if i so much as stand on a simple chair to change a light bulb.

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