Monday, October 22, 2018

Story called rightfully accused

Jimmy Ripp

Fiction story


Rightfully Accused

    The music blasted loudly, indistinct chatter going on with empty beer cans all over the place. Some people standing around, others dancing and even two guys and engaged in an arm wrestling contest in the front room. It was a living breathing cliche frat party cliche. Here at the University of Albany South State campus this was the elite of fraternities. This was Delta Phi Beta.


    “Hey G3 what's up Mr. Delta Phi Beta Prez?” Said a fraternity pledge name Floyd as he came down the stairs.

  “Show me that love my brother!” G3 responded as the two engaged in an elaborate secret fraternity handshake.

    G3 as he has been known as since his sophomore year is Foster Grandma 3rd. G3 is the fraternity president of Delta Phi Beta.

    After their pleasant secret handshake. G3 addressed the pledge in true hazing fashion.


   “Have the bathrooms been cleaned, the kitchens spotless and the floors mopped you maggot pledge?”

   “Yes sir Mr. President!”Floyd answered obediently. “Permission to speak openly sir?”

   “Of course you played scum what is it?” G3 replied.

   “Check it bruh, you remember that hot as freshman with the red hair and green eyes that was wondering around the Student Center like a lost puppy?” Floyd said excitedly.

    “Of course!” said G3 posturing as if he was God's Gift and the second coming.

    “Well time for you to get down with the get-down cuz upstairs, second door on the right that red-headed Fireball is inflamed and waiting on you dog!” Floyd stated as he pointed up the stairwell.

    “So she wants the G3 experience huh well if I must I must.” G3 said in the cocky tone as he ascended up the stairs.

    In almost like a predator stalking his prey type of walk G3 came to door number two where he was expecting an eagerly awaiting young freshman female desiring his company. As he stood in front of the door kicking away some empty beer cans and reaching for the knob he took a quick read of the sign on the door that said “ if you hear my bed rocking don't bother knocking and don't laugh it might be your sister” after a quick chuckle G3 opens door and enters the bedroom.

    The door sluggishly opens from all the dirty laundry on the floor behind it causing it to jam up. Clearly from the behavior of its members and their fearless leader this can be looked at is an ironic stick metaphor. On the unmade and recently used bed lay a very young sweet and innocent freshman coed. Only thing is the young and sweet were abandoned and replaced by the loose and easy and her innocence has been stolen. She was not smiling and not happy to see G3. She was not staring at him with passion or desire. She was not even conscious by all standards. Throw in being indecent and you have a woman who replaced the Alabama born and raised Catholic girl. She was only half dress and a half undressed and now she just lay there in a severe inebriated state of unconsciousness. She had no alertness at all. G3 smirked with a demon like facial expression and close the door behind him.

  “Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz.” Echoed through the now quiet frat house, down the halls and through the door it was an alarm set for 6 a.m. Clearly whoever it was set for was not going to be in any state to answer the call. A few crunches and a crash sound later and the alarm subsided.

    Derek Jean Lafitte was a senior going on to medical school then to the Peace Corps where he can become a doctor overseas to poverty and famine stricken areas that have no medical help. Derek held a 4.0 grade point average as well and volunteered at the homeless shelter once a month serving food to the hungry. Derek embodiedall that is saint-like and perfect in a human being with behavior and traits that mimic that of a guardian angel. He was pulling some items out of the fridge to make himself a good hot breakfast when he heard a loud smashing door open followed by curdling screams.

    As he left the kitchen to seek what was the problem. Hesaw a young lady running out the door similar to the one he met the day before in the student center who he had assisted with finding the right office for her financial aid information she needed. He also recalled a similar female acting sexually free and intoxicated and having the time of her life last night at the party.

   “What in the hell was that about ?” He yelled up the stairs to no answer. He went with his breakfast not nearly awake enough to process what he witnessed.

   (Part two coming soon)

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