Monday, October 22, 2018

Impossible world headlines

The possible dreams (or nightmares)

By : Jimmy Ripp

World peace has been achieved today join us when Donald Trump speaks on how he did but no one in history could ever do.

Former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson opens woman sensitivity group all across the United States

Angelina Jolie holds the National Raffle to a lucky person that will have her hand in matrimony. So sign up get your entry  and watch on September 25th as Angelina Jolie will draw one name out of a drawing of millions to make her new husband or wife.

College student  Jimmy Ripp so witty, charming, handsome and funny that  F.L.C. professors all pass him with a 4.0 g.p.a. without him ever even stepping in a class.

former Secretary of State and Senator Hillary Clinton signs on to be the white house chief advisor to the Trump Administration.

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