Monday, October 22, 2018

G3 characterization

Jimmy Ripp


     The event had it's front lined with paparazzi and media wanting to cover this event making sure they got the best shots of New York’s elite walking up the red carpet.

      He stepped one foot out of the limo and the $5,000 alligator skin shoes set the tone along with a completely taylormade ensemble from head to toe that scream prestige.  The perfect crease black slacks and a raspberry sorbet button-up priest color shirt with $1,000 diamond and platinum cufflinks and the equally blinging Rolex watch to match. Along with the black sport coat fitted as if he was born with it on. Then add in the the perfectly styled faded hair that look to be painted on but was soft to the touch, a bronze tan and perfectly groomed facial hair. Foster Graham III once again causes photographers to fight over the best shot of him.

     A big-time attorney, vice president and partner of a  law firm with a royalty bank account and movie star good looks Mr Graham does know how to make an entrance.

-As Foster thinks to himself-

     “It is hard goddamn work looking this good but damn it I pull it off easy. I mean seriously I have trouble not touching myself. I don't know why I agree to come to these events. I guess it doesn't hurt to give the women of Manhattan a thrill once in awhile l. I ain't donating a goddamn penny this time so they can kiss my ass if they think I'm coming out of pocket. If one woman wants to test drive the G3 she better have a friend to join or a twin sister cuz I'm sick of these boring Manhattan debutantes. They do nothing for me anymore. Well, Paparazzi get your cameras ready for the G3 experience!

-A few days later in the New Yorker magazine this article came out.

The Poorest Excuse for What

     At the benefit last week the red carpet was laid out for New York's Elite.  In a “I'm richer than you!” get together the poster child for the over privileged and undeserving was in attendance.

    Foster Graham the 3rd. With the high school maturity level nickname G3, Graham is an overpriced Manhattan attorney who recently became vice president and partner in a prestigious New York law firm.

     Dressed to the nines with a tailor fit that shouted from here to the Catskill Mountains “I think I'm better than you and I have everything to prove it” . This wealthy, overindulged bachelor who has been the face of every tabloid ever since a date rape allegation in college surfaced about him. He truly epitomizes what wealthy white privilege and a product of being born with a platinum spoon in your mouth can produce. His egocentric attitude is  ever-present and yet still remains the scourge of Manhattan on the single scene. Every woman is hoping to land this prize pool of a bachelor and encounter what many have learned before. G3 is never going to be one for matrimony. Thou he may have a few hours to kill as he womanizes each victim one after another.

      A true symbol for what for over-privileged and undeserving and most certainly unappreciative. He does not respect how lucky he is to have the life he does. Someday his luck could run out. Everyone rolls a 7 at the crap table eventually.

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