Monday, October 22, 2018

Review of yet another classmate story

Jimmy Ripp

Review of “secrets we keep”


Remove “as”

After this sentence start a new paragraph

Too much space

See #3

End sentence and start a new one

See #4

Reword “this is where my uncle lived. He was a very progressive liberal feminist and considered one of Britain's first romantic painters.

Reword “He had taking us in but sadly died 3 years later.”

See #3

See #6

reword “My hostility I used as a shield to protect myself morphed me into someone I didn't recognize.”

See #3

no need to put this as a quote. I think keeping it in your own narration as a statement is much better.

Remove “but it with her” it just seems too confusing.

See #7

See #6

Bet = met

See #4

Confusing that you had a duel but no one was hurt.

Running = ruining

I never like the use of “but” to start a sentence.

Man = male

*1 - I think a bit more of a visual of The Bleak conditions of the environment would be good here I like the navigation around what a woman was life was like during this time. The story rings a bell to me some reason though.

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