Monday, October 22, 2018

G3 character details

Character details

By : Jimmy Ripp

       Foster Graham III is a 6ft tall 210 lb very fit, highly egocentric and extremely entitled trust fund owner who lives on the 27th floor of the Vista View Flats right off of Park Avenue. With a decent side view of Central Park that will run you about $50,000 a month in rent if you cannot afford to pay the 18 million dollars to buy it.

      Mr. Graham , or is he wants to be known as G3,  has the bank role of a king , the body of a Greek god, the look of a GQ model and an attitude with conceit and swag that would normally be respected.       

        However to truly understand what he's like would be to cross a hyena with a vulture as an analogy. He loves only himself and rarely feels any real human emotions or compassion. Although he does have an odd need to be revered. He wants to rule the world.

         If you could touch his personality it would have the texture of a $2 steak. That's what its surface would feel like. G-III seriously comes off as the kind of guy who loves the smell of his own flatulation.

      A definite taste for the finer things in life. He has been  known to blatantly laugh out loud at anything or anyone he feels is beneath him. The irony of his “tastes” is that he will leave the taste of vomit in your mouth as he passes by you. Smelling up far too much aftershave and cologne.

     Yet still woman after woman falls prey to him cuz of the lifestyle and financial freedom that he represents. They seem to hope to obtain this through him.

     So is he the bad guy? Or are the victimized women here dumb for getting used knowing that he has the reputation, history and track record of being a horrible womanizer and terrible regarding relationships altogether.

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